20 Foods That Taste Disgusting When Reheated In The Microwave

20 Foods That Taste Disgusting When Reheated In The Microwave

Can’t Take The Reheat, Stay Out Of The Kitchen

We all know microwaves have completely revolutionized how we prepare food, easily saving us loads of time and effort. That being said, your microwave isn’t always the answer. As tempting as it is to pop any dish in the microwave and hope for the best, certain foods have no business being reheated that way (unless you want to lose everything that made it good).  

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1. Fried Chicken

Everyone knows the best part of fried chicken is that crispy outer layer. Sadly, this aspect of fried chicken doesn’t fare well in the microwave, often turning soggy and gross right before your eyes. 

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2. Pizza

In most cases, cold leftover pizza is just better than when it’s reheated, especially if you’re impatient. On top of that, reheated pizza generally results in a rubbery crust and overly greasy toppings, completely changing the flavour and texture of a once-good slice of pizza. 

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3. French Fries

If you weren’t already aware, reheated French fries in the microwave are a major no-no. They come out limp, soggy, and totally devoid of the crispy texture that made them great in the first place. 

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4. Pasta with Cream Sauce

Unless you’re in a pinch, reheated pasta is best left in the saucepan. This is especially true of pasta with a super creamy sauce, as the reheating process is only going to separate it, make it clumpy, and ultimately dull the rich flavour that it once had. 

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5. Mashed Potatoes

Reheating mashed potatoes in the microwave can quickly go south if you don’t do it properly. Without some level of added moisture, such as water or milk, your mashed potatoes can quickly turn into a dry, disgusting mess with a bizarre texture and next to no flavour. 

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6. Chicken Wings

There’s nothing worse than soggy chicken wings— and that’s exactly what you’re going to get if you decide to nuke them. Not only will they lose that wonderful crispy texture, but the flavour will be dulled and the meat will turn extra chewy, turning your wings into a shadow of their former self.

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7. Stuffed Peppers

Stuffed peppers just simply don’t belong in the microwave, unless you want them losing everything that made them great in the first place. Nuking them will only result in a compromised, mushy mess devoid of its once vibrant flavour. 

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8. Omelet

No one in the world will ever vouch for a reheated omelet — no one! Just eat it right away or toss it because trying to reheat an omelet is sure to give you a dry, rubbery mess with next to no flavour. Reheated eggs, whether in the microwave or otherwise, are never a good idea. 

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9. Nachos

Again, crispiness is always going to be the main victim when it comes to reheating your favorite dish. Instead of eating crispy nachos with perfectly melted cheese and fresh ingredients, you’ll get a soggy, greasy mess that pales in comparison to what it once was. 

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10. Grilled Cheese Sandwich

If we’re being honest, making a fresh grilled cheese isn’t that much more difficult than reheating one. So why not treat yourself to something good? Don’t settle for a soggy, greasy sandwich with no crunch in the bread — it’s not necessary. 

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11. Dumplings

Dumplings are better left to the pan or your air fryer, keep them away from the microwave at all costs! Not only will nuking them result in a way less flavourful experience, but it will also completely ruin the texture of your dumplings, turning them dry and tough instead of juicy and tender. 

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12. Chili

Why microwave your chilli when you can just slowly reheat it in a saucepan? Not only will it help retain the flavour and texture of chilli, but it will also ensure that you don’t underheat certain parts while allowing other ingredients to completely meld together in an unappetizing way. 

1024Px-Chili Con Carne 6Mark Pellegrini on Wikimedia Commons

13. Shepherd's Pie

Unless you’re willing to take the proper steps to get it right, reheating shepherd’s pie can easily result in a totally unappetizing mess. Not only are you at risk of compromising texture by either burning things or making them too mushy, but you’re also going to be left with a dish that’s no longer as flavourful as it once was. 

1024Px-Homerton College - Shepherd's Pie (Cropped)Oxfordian Kissuth on Wikimedia Commons

14. Fish

It may be tempting to throw some leftover fish in the microwave, especially if you’re feeling lazy and impatient — but it’s seriously not worth the result. Your fish will become tough and overcooked, and nuking it may even cause it to release a lingering odor in your kitchen. You’re much better off reheating it in your oven. 

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15. Pulled Pork

Be careful reheating pulled pork in the microwave. The intense heat of the microwave is prone to causing your once tender and juicy meat to lose all of its moisture and become dry and tough, losing its desired texture and flavour. 

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16. Rice

In addition to losing its flavour and texture, reheated rice can also prove to be harmful to your health. That’s because reheated rice, if not done properly, can potentially lead to the growth of Bacillus cereus bacteria which may lead to food poisoning. 

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17. Chicken

Not only is microwaved chicken less flavorful than its original form but it’s also by far the messiest way to reheat it. Reheated chicken can quickly dry out and lose its flavour in addition to just splattering all over your microwave. You’re much better off using your oven, stovetop, or air fryer. 

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18. Falafel

There’s nothing like some freshly fried falafel. Sadly, if you don’t get a chance to eat them right away, you simply won’t be able to get that true falafel experience. Rehteaing them will only result in a dry, yet non-crispy disaster. 

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19. Tacos

While it may be tempting, tacos simply don’t belong in the microwave. Nuking your tacos can quickly turn what was once a crispy, delectable meal into a soggy, unappetizing mess with flavour that pales in comparison to what it once was. 

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20. Steak

Steak is sacred — please do not microwave your steak under any circumstances. Properly reheating steak in general can sometimes seem like a herculean task, and microwaving is only going to make things worse, leading to a tough and dry mess with none of its initial flavour and tenderness. 

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