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10 Fast Food Items You Can Only Get in Canada & 10 Only Found In The USA

Fast food is quick, convenient, and quasi-affordable—and despite warnings of too many calories lost in puddles of grease, we’ll never part ways. Unfortunately, not every menu item is available in every country, so let’s explore...

June 10, 2024 Maria Cruz


The 20 Most Popular Fast Food Restaurants Around the World

Who doesn't love fast food every now and then? Perfect as a cheat meal, a road trip stop, or a fast and easy dinner on the go, fast food restaurants can really come in clutch…

by Cathy Liu Oct 1, 2024

The Most Popular Chocolate Bars in the USA

Got a sweet tooth? Then you've come to the right place because in this article, we're going to explore the most popular chocolate bars in the USA. From your classic milk chocolate bars to your…

by Cathy Liu Oct 1, 2024

The Most Popular Candies in the USA

Candy can come in so many different textures and flavours, and this list is just a testament to all the amazing candies out there. From Skittles to Chupa Chups to Hot Tamales, these are the…

by Cathy Liu Oct 1, 2024

20 Delicious Snacks in Canada That You Can't Get in the USA

If you're American, it might be worth traveling up North to visit your sister country, Canada, for some delicious snacks you can't find at your grocery stores. Whether it's a unique chip flavour or a…

by Cathy Liu Oct 5, 2024

20 Foods and Drinks With Shockingly High Sugar Content

Do you know how much sugar is actually in the foods that you eat? You'd be surprised to know that some foods have some serious hidden sugar content in them! Check out our list of…

by Cathy Liu Oct 5, 2024

40 Cooking Myths That Have Been Debunked

If you've ever heard that "microwaving your food destroys the nutrients," did you know that it's actually false? We hear a lot of different cooking myths in our day to day lives, but how do…

by Cathy Liu Oct 5, 2024