We all got grounded as kids. Maybe spanked, or at least threatened with it. Put on time out. Those are pretty standard. But as you'll discover in this article, some parents out there take an altogether strange tack when it comes to disciplining their children. These out-of-the-mainstream punishments range from oddly sweet, to funny, to odd, to downright cruel. But they're all a little out there, one way or another.
40. wE tAkE uR iNtErNeTz LoL
39. Punished with comfort
38. Major flop
37. Mission accomplished?
36. Should have been grounded to the ground
35. Not a good look
34. Diaper duty
33. Growing up Uncle Ben
32. That's legitimately messed up
31. To sports or not to sports?
30. Seriously: just let your kids read
29. Hit me until I'm smart
I understand that parents want their kids to do well in school, but getting angry like that over a bad grade is soooo dumb, and rather counterproductive. My parents would yell at me if I wasn’t on the honor roll and say things that just made me feel like crap. Instead of going to them for help when I was struggling in school I talked as little about school with them as possible.
28. Well, that's a new one
27. There's nothing worse than feeling you've let someone down
26. Even the victim feels bad about this punishment
25. The Breakfast Club approach
24. You're grounded; go play with your friends
23. Stupid? Check. Violent? Check
22. A scanner, darkly
21. The underground
20. The punishment fits the crime
19. That's completely insane
18. A self-fulfilling prophecy?
17. WrestleMania mania
16. I like this one, actually.
15. An academic solution
14. Treat for a grownup, punishment for a kid
13. Don't worry: there's a happy ending
12. As strange as it is sad
11. Oh say can you C-Span
10. I've never met your parents, but I hate them
9. Off the record
8. Were you born into the Schrute family?
7. Hot fire
6. We didn't start the fire
5. Is it too late?
4. Cruel and unusual
3. Loosen the belt
2. Laughter heals all things
1. No, no part of this is common