It's hard to say what's worse: being there when someone you love dies, or missing it. Both tend to bring on regrets.
One of the things you might miss if you're not there is the person's last words. Sometimes they're funny, sometimes they're insightful, sometimes they're frankly a little bit spooky. But as a culture we tend to set great store by them.
The folks below -- both medical professionals and people who have lost family members -- recently went online to share the most memorable last words they've ever heard. I don't know about you, but I already have mine planned.
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45. Last dad joke
44. What you leave behind
43. That's heartbreaking
42. Honest last words
41. I don't know how nurses do it
40. A moment of clarity
39. Man's best friend
38. Did he know?
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37. This must take a toll on you
36. I'll do my best
35. Go out on a laugh line
34. Rough way to go
33. Something to hang on for
32. Let me go
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31. See you when I see you
Photo by Kaboompics .com from Pexels
30. Far too young
29. The eyes are what haunt you
28. Who are they?
27. You should have let him
26. It's the worst disease
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25. "I saw god"
Paramedic here.
24. Matter-of-fact
23. One last piece of advice
22. I love tough old ladies
21. Listen to what the patient tells you
20. The retirement we all get eventually
19. Never play with the tube
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18. Old war songs
17. I want to go home
16. One for the road
15. One last jump
14. I'll be missing you
13. Unafraid
12. I'm becoming a ghost
11. Long lost love
10. Out of the blue, but she knew
9. Man in black
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8. The spice of life
7. My final beau
6. No pain
5. There seem to be a lot of men in corners
4. Never too old for a crush
3. Flaming out
2. That's horrible
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1. The light