Let's start off the morning right with a smile and some laughs thanks to these funny online memes. The internet's a pretty hilarious place to be, and these memes are the perfect example to prove that. So grab a cup of coffee, relax before your day starts, and check out these 40 memes!
1. Beware of Dog
Wow, we're absolutely petrified. How about you guys?
2. The Onion's Final Stand
Who else absolutely hates cutting onions? Man, they sure know how to put up a good fight.
3. An Unwinnable Battle
Can peace between these two sides ever be found?! What is the middle ground?!
4. A Solid Review
This review is somehow 10x better than most restaurant reviews. The only problem? This isn't exactly a place we want to visit.
5. You're A Kind Soul
The true Gigachads on Youtube - truly looking out for the rest of us.
6. Trading Cards
Hey, there were some pretty intense trade battles going on! It was a pretty big deal back then and we're pretty sure it'd feel the same way now too.
7. Thanks For the Invite
Thanks, I totally didn't bring up this plan because I wanted to come along too. Don't worry about me, I'll just be doing nothing all weekend long.
8. What Gameplay?
To each your own, we suppose!
9. Can You Tell These Apart?
Hmmm, well, when you put it like that, it's hard NOT to see the resemblance.
10. One In A Million
When you took a gamble and came out winning. Somehow finding the one genius in the class to copy off of is like winning the jackpot!
11. Eternal Darkness
Wait, what? Where'd the sun go?
12. Sweet Relief
Is there anything more satisfying than finally getting out that pesky popcorn kernel that's been stuck in your teeth for the whole day? It's just the sacrifice you have to take when eating popcorn.
13. Bro Talks
Gotta stay awake for the bros. You know it'd be disrespectful otherwise.
14. An Endless Loop
When you come across an amazing game and you just can't put it down. Sorry school, work, sleep, or whatever else - this game comes first.
15. Figure It Out Yourself
So, do you know what you did wrong yet? I'm not gonna sit here all day waiting!
16. The Remote Dance
Surely if I move around like this, the remote will start working again!
17. Body Expectations
Come on world, at least make it attainable for women!
18. We're Kind of Dumb
Yup, that pretty much sums up everything nicely. We can't even deny it.
19. A Quick Betrayal
How could you do Elmo like that? Taking a picture and moving on so quickly...
20. Elmo Is Evil
Looks like Elmo isn't as cute and cuddly as we always assumed. You definitely don't want to get on his bad side.
21. Peppa's A Monster
Okay, that's just utterly terrifying. Which creator thought it was a good idea to have Peppa Pig be 7'1"?!
22. Never Trust What They Say
You can't trust a teacher when they say something like that - you know they're out to get you.
23. Bad Parenting
Hm, we have no idea why he doesn't talk to you anymore. It couldn't possibly be something wrong that you did, right?
24. The Joys of Online Shopping
It's like getting a present, except you bought it for yourself!
25. How to Whistle
You just...you just...I don't know man, why can't you just do it? Explaining whistling is impossible! You either know or you don't.
26. What's Really Going on in His Head
You may this he's secretly cheating on you, but really, he's asking all the important questions in his head.
27. The Secret to Talent Shows
The more emotional of a story you tell, the higher chance you have of moving forward.
28. Child Expenses
Raising a child is no joke - we're sure most parents would be a whole lot richer without any kids! It's just a choice you have to make.
29. A Sad Cycle
Soooo, at what point do you actually go and get a girlfriend? That's one dangerous cycle.
30. Picky Eater Struggles
Is it just a universal thing where all picky eaters only eat chicken tenders and fries at restaurants?
31. A Great Advice Giver, Not So Much A Taker
For some reason, we tend to give out good advice even though we don't listen to it ourselves.
32. A Young But Old Soul
via BoredpandaEverything from the stance to the expression is just perfect! He really captures the essence of an old soul just perfectly.
33. This Shouldn't Be Allowed
Something about that just feels wrong! It's the crossover we didn't know was possible, but also one we didn't want.
34. It's Too Confusing
For the sake of everyone involved, can we just agree on one term for each food?!
35. Walking A Dangerous Line
That is an absolutely evil thing to do and we would be completely terrified. We would not trust this kid under any circumstances.
36. The Heroes We Needed All Along
All the chip companies are out there sweating right now thanks to these brave Korean students.
37. The Neverending Fight
So McDonald's, what's your comeback?
38. A Minecraft Joke
Unfortunately your teacher didn't pass the vibe check, but don't worry kid. The rest of the internet's got your back.
39. Is He Wrong Though?
While no, it's probably not the answer you were looking for. But how can you not give this beautiful art at least some points?!
40. A Good Reason
Now that's not a reason that usually immediately comes to mind, but you're right kid. We do love our moms for that reason too.

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