More Than Just Food
Next time you reach for a banana, don’t just think about eating it. Think about what else it can do to help you in your day-to-day life. Besides the banana itself, the peel also has more uses than you ever imagined. So, it doesn’t always belong in the bin. If you’re curious, try out these 20 tricks and see for yourself.
1. Shine Your Leather
Your leather items can still shine without expensive polish. Rubbing the inside of a banana peel over them does the trick. The natural oils restore shine while keeping the leather soft. Finish with a dry cloth, and they’ll look freshly polished in seconds.
2. Remove Water Stains From Wood
White rings on wooden surfaces form when moisture gets trapped beneath the finish. The natural oils in banana peels interact with these stains, helping to lift them. Rub the peel on the affected spot and follow it by buffing it with a soft cloth. This will restore the wood’s appearance without harsh chemicals.
3. DIY Silver Polish
Who knew fruit could double as a cleaner? Tarnished silverware doesn’t have to stay dull. Instead of buying silver polish, blend a banana peel with a little water to create a paste. Apply it to the silver, rub gently, and rinse. Yes, it's a little messy process, but the results are impressive and cost nothing.
4. Fertilizer For Indoor Plants
Soaking banana peels in water can release small amounts of potassium and phosphorus, offering a natural boost for some plants. While it’s a simple way to reduce waste and repurpose kitchen scraps, results vary depending on the plant. Just be mindful—banana water can attract pests if left sitting too long.
5. Speed Up Composting
Waiting for compost to break down is about as fun as watching paint dry. Thankfully, banana peels can speed things up since they break down super fast and add extra nutrients. Add the scraps to the mix occasionally, and let nature handle the rest.
6. Keep Aphids Away From Plants
Aphids may be small, but they can wreak havoc on plants. Some gardeners find that burying banana peels near plants helps deter them naturally, reducing the need for chemical sprays. While this method can be useful, its effectiveness depends on the infestation level and environment—severe cases may need extra pest control.
Rafael Minguet Delgado on Pexels
7. Remove Ink Stains From The Skin
Remember when you’d doodle on your hand in class, then spend half the day trying to scrub it off? Next time, rub a banana peel over the ink. It will help lighten the ink, and then you can wash it off with soap. Back in school, you would’ve appreciated this trick even more.
8. Soothe Mosquito Bites
Nothing ruins a summer evening faster than a mosquito bite. That itch is relentless. So, instead of scratching yourself raw, get the banana peel. The cooling effect might help calm things down. Finally, it is a relief without the weird-smelling creams, especially if you are camping outdoors.
9. Natural Firestarter
Speaking of camping, have you ever tried starting a fire when everything’s damp? Frustrating. But guess what burns like a champ? Banana peels. Dry them out, toss them in, and watch them go up in flames. It won’t turn you into a wilderness pro, but hey, it’s a cool trick to have up your sleeve.
10. Natural Shoe Polish
If your shoes are looking dull, don’t go digging through drawers for polish you probably don’t have. Just like it does for leather, banana peel can help shine your shoes. It conditions the shoes to restore their finish. Quick, easy, and affordable!
11. Banana Peel For Tired Eyes
Didn't get enough sleep? The inside of a banana peel may help reduce puffiness under your eyes. Place small pieces under your eyes for a few minutes, then rinse. While some swear by this trick, results vary, and it's always best to patch-test first.
12. Natural Teeth Whitener
Your smile deserves to shine bright, but coffee and tea have other plans. However, an over-the-counter whitening solution isn't always the best. Instead of harsh teeth whiteners, try rubbing a banana peel on your teeth. The minerals in it might help lift stains over time. It's not magic, but small efforts add up.
13. Tenderize Meat
Cooking a steak and worried it'll turn into shoe leather? Next time, place a banana peel over it while roasting. It helps trap moisture so your meat stays juicy. And no, your steak won't smell like a banana.
14. Attract Butterflies
If you leave an overripe banana outside, butterflies will show up like it's an all-you-can-eat buffet. It's an easy way to bring a little magic to your backyard (and a little bit of pollination to help your garden grow). Just don't be surprised if bees crash the party, too.
15. Natural Hair Conditioner
Bananas contain silica, which supports collagen production and may strengthen hair. Their antimicrobial properties could also help with dandruff and dry scalp. Since mashed bananas can be difficult to rinse out, blend them into a smooth paste and apply it to your hair. After a few minutes, rinse thoroughly to avoid residue and tangling issues.
16. DIY Banana Face Mask
Bananas can rejuvenate your face, too. Packed with vitamins and potassium, mashed banana works as a natural moisturizer. Apply it to your face for 10–15 minutes, then rinse. It's an easy way to refresh and plump up your face without using commercial products.
17. Keep Brown Sugar Soft
Brown sugar turned into a brick? It doesn't mean the sugar has gone bad. It's just that you didn't airtight the container. Toss a banana peel in the container to keep the sugar soft so you don't have to chip away at it like an archaeologist. But don't forget to take the peel out after an hour.
18. Banana Mask To Reduce Dryness
If your hands or legs feel dry, flaky, or chapped, just mash one banana up, apply it to the dry area, and rinse after 10 minutes. But not all skin types love this trick, so always remember to do a patch test first to avoid any unwanted reactions.
19. DIY Fruit Fly Trap
Fruit flies are the absolute worst. They always prevent you from aesthetically displaying your fruit basket on the table. Well, now you can do it because putting a banana peel in a jar can help trap them. Cover the fruit with plastic wrap and poke holes. The flies get in but can’t get out.
20. Remove Splinters More Easily
A tiny splinter shouldn’t be a big deal, but somehow, it makes life miserable. Instead of digging at it, press a banana peel over the area and tape it down for a while. The enzymes might help ease the splinter out. No tweezers are required; just a little patience is enough.