
10 Major Differences Between American and Asian Diets & 10 Reasons Why the Asian Diet is Healthier

10 Major Differences Between American and Asian Diets & 10 Reasons Why the Asian Diet is Healthier

The Plate Debate: The Secret to Healthy Eating

What's for dinner? Greasy burgers, cheesy pizza, a plate of fries, and a slice of decadent cheesecake for dessert? Let's admit it—beyond the occasional tossed salad or butter-braised vegetables, the American diet doesn't offer many nutritious alternatives. If you've ever wondered why Asians are often slimmer, it's more than just regular exercise—it's the food they put in their bodies. Curious about their secret? Here are 10 major differences between American and Asian diets—and 10 reasons why the Asian diet is healthier.

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1. Portion Size

One of the most notable differences between American and Asian diets is the portion size. While the American diet generally focuses on bigger plates and individual meals and entrees, the Asian diet consists of smaller sizes and dishes meant for sharing.

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2. Vegetables

Cauliflower steaks, cheesy baked kale, Caesar salads—the options for vegetable dishes in the American diet may sometimes seem limited, but they're almost always about transforming leafy greens into something more creative and palatable. In the Asian diet, vegetables are typically stir-fried with other ingredients and sauces but remain at the forefront of the dish.

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3. Protein

Meat—especially chicken and red meat like beef, pork, and lamb—is prevalent in the American diet. You'll often find it in the form of steaks, patties, and sausages, such as in burgers or barbecues.


Even when seafood is used, it's typically fried, such as in fish & chips. In contrast, while meat, fish, and seafood are often eaten in the Asian diet, meats are often in smaller cuts and dishes are, again, meant for sharing.

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4. Cooking Methods

The American diet favors cooking, grilling, deep-frying and basting meats and sauces in butter or lard, to give dishes that rich, full, creamy flavor. In the Asian diet, though deep-fried dishes and snacks are also served, oils are typically used minimally, and methods like stir-frying, steaming, and boiling are favored.

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5. Seasonings

There's also a major difference in the way Americans and Asians season their food. In the American diet, herbs like oregano and rosemary, and spices like paprika, pepper, and cinnamon are used more often. In the Asian diet, spices like turmeric, ginger, fennel seeds, cardamom, Sichuan peppers, and more are incorporated into dishes.

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6. Dairy

Americans love dairy, especially milk, cheese, and butter. However, since most Asians are lactose intolerant, dairy isn't used much in Asian cuisine or is substituted with similar ingredients. Of course, with many people switching to veganism or due to other dietary restraints, dairy is often replaced with plant-based products.

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7. Fats & Oils

Again, oils are used minimally in Asian dishes compared to American dishes, and there's typically more of a preference for canola, corn, peanut, or sesame oils compared to the use of butter and high-fat oils in American dishes.


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8. Sugar Consumption

There's also typically less sugar in Asian drinks and food—well, except for a few items, such as the all-time favorite bubble tea. But even in desserts, they're not quite as decadent as American ones, where you might get choices like fudge brownies and ice cream apple pie.

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9. Meal Components

The meal structure of Asian and American diets is also different. Not only is it more common for Americans to order individual dishes at restaurants, but they also normally consist of three courses: appetizer, entree, and dessert. In the Asian diet, however, dishes are usually shared and consist of soups, rice, vegetables, and proteins.

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10. Snacks

American snacks are usually sweeter or contain more processed varieties, like chips and candy. While Asian snacks also consist of sweet and savory types, portions are often smaller and controlled, and some may prefer fruits and nuts over regular snacks.

Now that we've covered some of the differences between American and Asian diets, let's touch on why the Asian diet may be healthier.

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1. Smaller Portions

As we mentioned earlier, the Asian diet centers more on sharing plates for the entire table. This usually means portions for everyone are smaller and often equal, and therefore there's not much of a tendency to overeat.



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2. Lots of Vegetables

From kimchi to cabbage rolls, Asian cuisine offers a variety of vegetables, These aren't confined to just tossed salads or casserole dishes, either; instead, whole plates of vegetables are usually served for everyone to share, though there may also be protein tossed into the wok as well.

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3. Fish as Protein

This isn't to say fish is always the main protein—there's breaded pork cutlets, tandoori chicken, sweet and sour pork, and other meat dishes as well. But fish in the form of grilled mackerel or steamed tilapia are beloved mains, and infuse much more flavor than traditional baked salmon.

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4. Diverse Flavors & Seasonings

Speaking of flavors, the Asian diet boasts diverse spices and seasonings that make every dish stand out. For example, there are more than 40 spices in Indian cuisine alone, ranging from coriander seed to mustard seed, cumin, turmeric, cardamom, cloves, and more. Some spices, like turmeric, offer a plethora of health benefits, like lowering your risk of cancer, relieving irritable bowel syndrome symptoms, and preventing type 2 diabetes.

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5. Tea

While caffeine should be consumed in moderation, tea varieties such as green and black offer numerous health benefits. Studies have shown that green tea, for example, can lower cholesterol levels, prevent cardiovascular disease, boost brain health, and more. 

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6. Mindful Eating Habits

Rather than finishing everything on your plate, many Asian cultures practice mindful eating, which means eating only until you just start to feel full.


This allows for better digestion and fosters a healthier relationship with food, as it prevents overeating.

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7. Nourishing Broths & Soups

Many Asian cuisines also have different soup broths made with nourishing ingredients that can help fight colds, aid digestion, boost energy levels, improve circulation, and more. Korean soups, such as oxtail soup (gomtang or gomguk), also contain collagen which can support bone health and help with skin elasticity.

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8. Fermented Foods

Fermented foods, like tempeh, kimchi, miso, and others, are great for the gut and improve digestion. This is because fermentation allows for the growth of probiotics—"good" bacteria that help support immune, heart, and gut health.

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9. Healthy Fats

Compared to the use of butter and lard that's typically seen in American cooking, Asian cuisines tend to use less oil or make use of healthier versions, like canola, peanut, corn, or others, that are lower in saturated fats. Plus, eating more fish means consuming more good fats, like omega-3 fatty acids.

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10. Use of Soy Products

From tofu to natto, soy products are well-loved in Asian cuisine. And for good reason: for one, soy offers numerous benefits, like reducing your risk of stroke or heart disease. They're also high in fiber, vitamins, and nutrients, while also being great protein substitutes for those who can't eat meat.


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