You'd Eat More Garlic If You Knew These 20 Amazing Health Benefits

You'd Eat More Garlic If You Knew These 20 Amazing Health Benefits

Eat More Garlic

In addition to being a delicious component of any meal, garlic is a superfood that offers countless health benefits, that is, if you can handle the garlic breath! It’s been used for centuries in traditional medicine, and modern research continues to uncover its potential in promoting overall health. Here are 20 amazing health properties that’ll make you want to eat more garlic.

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1. Lowers LDL Cholesterol

Eating one-half to one full clove of garlic a day has been shown to reduce LDL cholesterol (the bad kind) by ten percent. This is because certain compounds in garlic inhibit cholesterol synthesis.

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2. Improves Bone Health

Ingesting two to three raw garlic cloves a day has been shown to stave off osteoporosis and arthritis. It fortifies bones by reducing oxidative stress. 

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3. Reduces Blood Pressure

Garlic contains a sulfuric compound that has been shown to reduce blood pressure. To reap this specific benefit from garlic, eat it dried or raw.

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4. Controls Blood Sugar

Lab tests have shown garlic to reduce blood glucose levels and increase insulin sensitivity significantly. Consuming two to three cloves daily can play a part in managing diabetes and fighting off the risk.

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5. Prevents Cancer

The sulfuric compounds and selenium in garlic have cancer-fighting properties that inhibit cell mutation. One raw clove of garlic each morning may help reduce cancer risk.



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6. Improves Gut Help

Garlic’s antibacterial properties combat harmful gut bacteria, helping the good bacteria thrive. A raw clove of garlic with a glass of water can help alleviate digestive issues.

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7. Boosts Immunity

The antioxidants in garlic have been shown to increase infection-fighting white blood cells, boosting immunity. Garlic supplementation increases various types of immune cells.

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8. Eliminates Heavy Metals

At high levels, the sulfuric compounds in garlic have been shown to improve organ health by neutralizing heavy metal toxicity. It also reduces symptoms like headaches and nausea in those with heavy metal poisoning.

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9. Reduces Yeast Infections

Garlic is a natural remedy for certain types of yeast infections including Athlete’s Foot and Ringworm. Reap the benefits by applying a gel with garlic.

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10. Treats UTIs and Kidney Infections

Garlic is just as effective as cranberry juice for treating and preventing UTIs and kidney infections. Its antibacterial qualities kill the bacteria associated with these infections, including E. coli.

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11. Treats Asthma and Colds

Garlic has long been used as a traditional cold and asthma remedy. Its anti-inflammatory properties have been shown to relieve symptoms. 

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12. Improves Brain Health

Antioxidants in garlic, particularly the aged kind, have been shown to protect against brain damage and kill tumors. It also increases brain serotonin which is good for cognition.  

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13. Helps You Lose Weight

Garlic activates proteins that prevent fat storage and produces enzymes that kill fat cells.


This, on top of reducing cholesterol, blood sugar, and blood pressure, makes garlic a superstar of overall health management.

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14. Improves Eye Health

Garlic promotes eye health, staving off cataracts and blindness thanks to its sulfur and antioxidant content. These things contribute much-needed nutrients to the lens.

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15. Improves Oral Health

It may not leave a fresh taste like mint, but garlic mouthwash and toothpaste can kill off oral pathogens even more effectively. Studies have shown garlic to be effective in preventing dental caries thanks to its antimicrobial properties. 

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16. Clears Acne

An effective all-natural acne treatment, garlic has the ability to kill the bacteria that gets trapped in the skin, causing pimples. Rub blemishes with a garlic clove to harness the acne-killing properties. 

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17. Improves Hair

It doesn't have the same fruity scent as your shampoo, but garlic’s sulfur content promotes healthy hair much better than any commercial beauty product. It aids in the production of the hair protein keratin which promotes hair growth and strength and prevents it from falling out.

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18. Anti-Aging Properties

Garlic has long been praised for its perceived anti-aging effects thanks to its antioxidant content and collagen-producing sulfuric compounds. It also contains cytokinin, a hormone crucial to cell regeneration.

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19. Enhances Athletic Performance

Garlic’s history as a performance-enhancing substance goes as far back as ancient civilizations. It’s known to improve energy and help with post-workout recovery.

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20. Improves Mineral Absorption

In addition to being nutrient-dense itself, garlic’s sulfuric properties aid in the absorption of zinc and iron, minerals that are key to your body’s basic functions. If you have a deficiency, including more garlic in your diet can be beneficial.



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