
Yellow Smile: 20 Drinks & Eats That Stain Your Teeth

Yellow Smile: 20 Drinks & Eats That Stain Your Teeth

What's Staining Your Pearly Whites?

Tired of flipping through photos of yourself and grimacing at your discolored teeth? Even if you maintain great oral hygiene, the foods and drinks you consume can still reverse the effect—and we're not just talking about coffee. If you're wondering what's causing your yellow smile, here are 20 drinks and eats that could be staining your teeth.

person with red lipstick and red lipstickMarek Studzinski on Unsplash

1. Coffee

Unsurprisingly, coffee tops the list of things that stain your teeth, so you might want to cut back on your daily cup of Joe. Its dark hue comes from a compound called tannins, which can make it easier for pigments to bind to the proteins in your enamel and cause discoloration.

white ceramic mug filled with coffeeNathan Dumlao on Unsplash

2. Red Wine

Never mind its saturated hue—which only further contributes to the staining—but a regular glass of red exposes your whites to its acidic compounds and dyes that can stick to your teeth and leave permanent stains. Like coffee, it's best to have wine occasionally and in moderation.

people tossing their clear wine glassesKelsey Knight on Unsplash

3. Soy Sauce

Though we hope you don't drink soy sauce, it's something you likely use often in cooking or for dipping sushi into. Its rich tint is what makes it a teeth-staining culprit, as is its high sodium content, which can lead to reduced saliva production and prevent the acids from being neutralized.

person pouring coffee on black ceramic mugGoodEats YQR on Unsplash


4. Tomato-Based Sauces

Tomatoes are acidic, which is why they can weaken and damage your tooth enamel, making it more susceptible to discoloration. The red color of this vegetable also adds to the staining effect, so it's best to brush your teeth after eating to avoid these pigments from sticking to your whites.

tomato soupFidel Fernando on Unsplash

5. Berries

For the same reasons as tomatoes, berry fruits such as blackberries, strawberries, and blueberries also contain pigments that can stain your teeth. However, this doesn't mean you should remove these healthy fruits from your diet altogether—simply rinse with mouthwash or do a quick brush afterwards.

black berries on brown wooden spoonAnnemarie Grudën on Unsplash

6. Beets

Beets are heavily pigmented and don't only stain your clothes and your hands but also your teeth. If you're a beet lover, follow the same routine after consuming these vibrant vegetables as you should after eating berries: rinse with mouthwash or give your teeth a quick brush.

pot of red sauce foodMonika Grabkowska on Unsplash

7. Curry

Curry is delicious and filled with aromatic spices, but these seasonings, like turmeric, can cause discoloration. Other ingredients inside may also exacerbate these stains. Of course, this doesn't mean you have to give it up. As you might already do, remember to drink lots of water during and after eating.

orange mushy dish in bowPushpak Dsilva on Unsplash

8. Dark Chocolate

Unlike milk chocolate, dark cocoa contains a much higher amount of tannins, which can weaken the enamel and make it more susceptible to staining. This pigmented treat is, however, considered healthier than its milkier version, so just keep a glass of water handy whenever you indulge.

brown chocolate bars on white surfaceTetiana Bykovets on Unsplash

9. Balsamic Vinegar

Not only is balsamic vinegar rich in hue, it's also extremely acidic—two things that aren't so great for keeping a pearly smile. You'll likely want to keep a light hand when drizzling this dressing onto salads and other plates to avoid damage.

Ron LachRon Lach on Pexels


10. Candy

It should come as no surprise that candy appears on a list of things that are bad for your teeth. These sugary treats, however, can stain your whites and cause decay. As hard as it might be for you to cut back, do it for your oral health.

yellow green and red plastic beadsAmit Lahav on Unsplash

11. Food Coloring

Food dyes are also notorious for staining teeth; after all, they're meant to change the color of something. And since these pigments are often used in sugary treats, they may contribute to dental erosion as well—all the more reason for you to cut back on these snacks!

three breadsTatiana Lapina on Unsplash

12. Ketchup & Mustard

That's right—your favorite hot dog and fast food condiments are also teeth-staining culprits. Ketchup and mustard contain deep pigments that can discolor your whites, as well as acidic elements which contribute to enamel erosion.

hotdog sandwich with tomato and lettuceDavid Thielen on Unsplash

13. Popsicles

For the same reason as candy, popsicles can cause tooth decay on top of discoloring your teeth. This is because they're often made with acidic fruit juices and sugar—two ingredients that don't mesh well with maintaining good oral health.

yellow and red plastic packTaylor Heery on Unsplash

14. Juice

As you can probably guess, fruit juices contain acidic elements—especially in citrus varieties like orange, lemon, and grapefruit—and natural sugars that can weaken the enamel and stain your teeth. Darker fruits, like cranberry, are even more notorious for causing discoloration.

fruits and vegetable in clear glass jarZlatko Đurić on Unsplash

15. Soda

The main ingredients in soda are exactly what dentists warn you to avoid: sugar, colorings, and acid. These three components might make for a tasty drink, but they can also attack your healthy enamel, stain your teeth, and contribute to decay.

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16. Pomegranate

Just like berries, pomegranates may be delicious, but they're highly pigmented and acidic, which can leave unpleasant stains on your teeth in addition to weakening the enamel. They can still be enjoyed, though—just remember to practice good oral hygiene.  

pomegranate fruitsJonas Renner on Unsplash

17. Tea

Sorry, tea lovers—your favorite drink may also be staining your teeth. Black tea in particular contains a higher concentration of tannins, chemical compounds that contribute to discoloration. The chromogens in tea, substances that can convert into dyes, can also stick to the enamel and cause erosion. 

congerdesigncongerdesign on Pixabay

18. Starchy Foods

Your favorite plate of pasta or slice of bread could also be staining your teeth. It's often due to the ingredients mixed with it, like rich tomato-based sauces or added colorings, On top of that, the starch in these foods can attract bacteria, which could lead to decay.

CouleurCouleur on Pixabay

19. Alcohol

It's not just red wine that can cause discoloration—alcohol itself can stain your teeth. Aside from its acidity, many drinks, from beer to seltzers, contain chromogens that bind to your enamel and weaken it. The added sugars also cause erosion.

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20. Energy Drinks

Sports and energy drinks are often loaded with sugar, artificial colors, and acidic components, which can all contribute to yellowing your pearly whites. It's best to stick to water or to choose specific brands with more natural ingredients.

person holding red bull energy drink canJan Kopřiva on Unsplash