
The 10 Worst Foods For Menstrual Cramps & The 10 Best

The 10 Worst Foods For Menstrual Cramps & The 10 Best

Are You Prone To PMS?

Although the exact causes are unclear, menstrual cramps are likely tied to hormone imbalances due to the drop in estrogen and progesterone that happens when you're on your period. It's natural to feel a little funky when you're menstruating, but did you know the foods you eat could actually be making your cramps worse? You should avoid Inflammatory foods or any common cause of digestive problems and get more of those healthy gut-supporting, vitamin-packed foods. Here are the 10 worst foods for menstrual cramps and the 10 best. 

Andrea PiacquadioAndrea Piacquadio on Pexels


1. Red Meat

You might want to think twice before tucking into a steak or hamburger while on your period. While red meat is a good source of iron, it's also inflammatory and contains prostaglandins, which can trigger contractions in the uterus. 

raw meat on brown wooden tableKyle Mackie on Unsplash

2. Spicy Foods

When you're on your period, go easy on the hot sauce. While spicy foods don't directly affect the uterus, they can cause stomach pain, diarrhea, and nausea, adding to the already unpleasant sensation of menstrual cramps.  

red chili pepper with green leavesPickled Stardust on Unsplash

3. Alcohol

While alcohol can provide temporary relief by numbing pain, it has a negative impact overall. Not only does it increase period symptoms like moodiness, bloating, and trouble sleeping, but it interrupts the balance of prostaglandins, causing uteran contractions. 

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4. Coffee

Coffee slows blood flow in your body by shrinking blood vessels, intensifying menstrual cramps. It can also increase acidity in your stomach, adding to your stomach pain. 

top view photography of heart latte coffeeNathan Dumlao on Unsplash

5. Salty Foods

We know it's tempting to be a couch potato and crush a bag of chips when you're on your period, but this can make your symptoms much worse. Foods high in sodium cause water retention, worsening your bloating and can even make your cycle longer. 

blue ceramic mug on green table clothNegar Mz on Unsplash

6. Sugary Foods

As sugar is inflammatory, eating sweets while on your period can make your cramps worse. It's not just cakes and donuts, though; steer clear of refined carbs like white bread and pasta, too, as they can spike your insulin levels, which may throw off your hormone balance.

brown and white doughnuts on white ceramic plateAnnie Spratt on Unsplash

7. Fatty Foods

While it's necessary to eat healthy fats while on your period to support your cardiovascular system, foods high in saturated fat should be avoided. The unhealthy fats found in foods like fried chicken, ice cream, and butter are inflammatory and can make your cycle longer and more painful.

a white plate topped with fried food on top of a wooden tableNizar Zulmi on Unsplash

8. Dairy

While having moderate amounts of low-fat dairy can actually be good for your menstrual symptoms, consuming a lot of high-fat dairy products like cheese or cream has the complete opposite effect. Dairy contains omega-6 fatty acids, which can increase inflammation and make your cramps way worse.

white candle in black holderTeo Do Rio on Unsplash

9. Processed Foods

Processed foods like salami, bacon, ham, and ready-to-eat meals check many of the above boxes, including high fat and salt content. They can make you feel even more bloated and low-endergy, and their inflammatory properties can make your cramps worse. 

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10. Carbonated Drinks

Carbonated drinks like soda, sparkling water, and beer add gas to your stomach, leaving you feeling even more bloated. Sodas are also high in sugar, which is inflammatory and can make your cramps worse. 

seven assorted-brand soda cansJonny Caspari on Unsplash

Now that we've covered the foods that may be causing you more grief during your cycle, let's go over the ones that might help lessen your pain. 

1. Dark Chocolate

Chocolate-loving ladies can rejoice at this one. While eating lots of sugar isn't good for you, having moderate amounts of dark chocolate can make your menstrual cramps better. This is because it contains magnesium, which relaxes muscles. 

brown chocolate bars on white surfaceTetiana Bykovets on Unsplash

2. Fish

You may not be able to eat steak, but fish is certainly on the menu for when you're on your period. It's high in omega-3, iron, and protein, which eases inflammation and can reduce your menstrual pain.

Malidate VanMalidate Van on Pexels

3. Peppermint

Start drinking peppermint tea a few days before your cycle is slated to begin. It can help soothe your PMS by relaxing your muscles and aiding digestion. 

filled teacup with chocolate bars on saucerRob Sarmiento on Unsplash

4. Leafy Greens

Yet another reason to eat your greens: They can help ease your menstrual cramps. They're rich in iron, replacing some of what is lost through bleeding, leaving you feeling more energized. 

green vegetable leafHeather Barnes on Unsplash

5. Lentils

Like leafy greens, lentils are also packed with iron. What's more, they're filling and high in protein, which can help curb your cravings for junk food.

person holding stainless steel round tray with foodFrédéric Dupont on Unsplash


6. Ginger

Ginger has long been used in herbal medicine to treat menstrual cramps. It relaxes the muscles and increases blood flow, which helps regulate periods.

white garlic on brown wooden tablesentot setyasiswanto on Unsplash

7. Yogurt

While fatty dairy can exacerbate your cramps, yogurt is somewhat of an exception. It contains probiotics, which aid digestion, and it's also rich in magnesium and calcium, which aid blood flow. 

close-up photo of white cream in clear shot glassSara Cervera on Unsplash

8. Tofu

Not only is tofu a good source of protein, but it's also a fermented food, meaning it contains gut-supporting probiotics. It also contains phytoestrogens, compounds that mimic the effects of oestrogen, so eating it can offset PMS caused by oestrogen drops. 

person holding white and blue ceramic plate with rice and sliced cucumberSherman Kwan on Unsplash

9. Avocado

Avocados are a good source of healthy fats, which your body needs to function and keep your energy level high. They're also vitamin B6 and magnesium, which have been proven to reduce menstrual pain.

sliced avocadoThought Catalog on Unsplash

10. Citrus Fruit

Citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, and grapefruits are excellent sources of vitamin C, which helps your body absorb iron more effectively. It's also anti-inflammatory and can help improve your blood flow.

flat lay photography of sliced pomegranate, lime, and lemonBruna Branco on Unsplash