The Amazing Health Benefits of Intermittent Fasting & Helpful Tips To Get You Started
The Amazing Health Benefits of Intermittent Fasting & Helpful Tips To Get You Started
Have you heard about intermittent fasting and its benefits? With lots of studies currently being done to prove its multiple benefits, intermittent fasting is growing to be a popular health trend, whether you're looking to lose weight or just improve your overall health. If you're interested, we'd like to share with you 10 helpful tips to help you get started and 10 amazing benefits that will get you excited for what you'll gain.
1. Weight Loss and Fat Loss
Intermittent fasting has been highly regarded for its significance in aiding weight loss and body fat reduction. By eating fewer meals, not only are you naturally reducing your calorie intake, the fasting periods also increase your metabolic rate which helps you burn more calories.
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2. Improved Insulin Sensitivity
Here's another great benefit: intermittent fasting has been studied to improve insulin sensitivity, which is beneficial for maintaining blood sugar levels. This is especially beneficial and advantageous for those at risk of type 2 diabetes, allowing you to control your blood sugar levels more effectively.
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3. Enhanced Heart Health
Recently, intermittent fasting has also been linked to improved heart health. It can lead to possible reductions in risk factors like inflammation, high blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and blood sugar levels, which are all associated with heart disease.
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4. Boosted Brain Function
Studies have also been done to connect fasting with enhanced brain function and potential increase in brain health. Intermittent fasting can help increase BDNF levels, a protein that supports neural health, which improves cognitive function and reduces the overall risk of neurological diseases.
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5. Increased Growth Hormone Secretion
Fasting has also been studied to show dramatic increases in the levels of human growth hormone (HGH), something that benefits fat loss and muscle gain. Higher levels of this HGH can enhance physical performance, recovery, and muscle maintenance.
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6. Enhanced Cellular Repair Processes
Intermittent fasting is another way to improve cell repair by initiating autophagy, a process of breaking down and removing old and dysfunctional proteins from cells. This is an extremely important mechanism that helps protect us against diseases, including cancer!
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7. Longevity and Healthy Aging
Some research has been done to study whether intermittent fasting can extend lifespan and promote healthier aging. Because of its positive effects on cellular repair processes, metabolism, and a bunch of reduced risk for chronic diseases, it's safe to say intermittent fasting can definitely help promote a healthy lifestyle which in turn, can possibly extend one's lifespan.
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8. Improved Gut Health
You probably won't be surprised to hear that intermittent fasting can do wonders for improved digestion and gut health. The fasting periods are perfect for giving your digestive system the break and rest it needs and deserves, potentially reducing inflammation while also improving gut barrier functions.
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9. Reduced Inflammation
Fasting has been shown to decrease markers of inflammation, a key driver of many chronic conditions. This reduction in inflammation can help protect against chronic diseases and improve overall health.
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10. Improved Mental Health
Last but not least, intermittent fasting is currently being studied to see if it has clear positive effects on mental health. Although early studies have demonstrated there seems to be a potential in reducing symptoms of anxiety, depression, and stress, it seems more clear to us that if your body is feeling good, you're likely to feel good too.
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1. Start Slowly
It's going to be a big change in your daily lifestyle, so don't rush it. Ease into intermittent fasting by starting with shorter fasting periods and gradually increasing the duration. This is a good approach that'll help your body adjust to new eating patterns without creating significant stress or discomfort.
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2. Stay Hydrated
No matter what you're doing, it's always important to stay hydrated. Even more so if you're fasting! Make sure you drink plenty of water, and you can even occasionally consume non-caloric beverages like black coffee or tea to help curb appetites and maintain hydration levels.
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3. Plan Your Meals
It's a good idea that you plan your meals before you start seriously fasting. Because when you do eat, you're going to want to focus on nutrient-dense foods that maximize satiety and nutritional intake. Planning your meals allows you to ensure you're getting a balanced intake of proteins, fats, carbs, essential vitamins, and minerals.
4. Listen to Your Body
Just because you're starting a new routine doesn't mean you should ignore your body. Pay attention to your body's signals and learn to differentiate between true hunger and habitual eating. If you start feeling unwell or overly stressed, don't push through; it's okay to adjust your fasting schedule to something that works best for you.
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5. Incorporate Healthy Fats
Eating meals that include healthy fats can help you feel fuller longer, which is especially beneficial during your eating windows. Foods like avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil are excellent sources, so try to include them into your meals!
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6. Practice Mindful Eating
When it's time to eat, don't just chow down without thinking. Try to eat mindfully; chew your food slowly and enjoy each bite. This can help improve digestion and make you more aware of your body's satiety signals, helping to prevent overeating.
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7. Stay Busy
During your fasting periods, you shouldn't be lazing about waiting for the next chance you get to eat again. Keep yourself busy so you can keep your mind off food! Engage in active activities that you enjoy whether it be reading, walking, or pursuing something new.
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8. Manage Stress
The more stressed you are, the more challenging fasting will be. Cravings and emotional eating are dangerous triggers that come with stress, so it's best that you incorporate stress-reducing techniques to keep these temptations at bay. It's not just so you can maintain your fast, it's to support your mental well-being overall!
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9. Get Adequate Sleep
Sleep is crucial for overall health and can impact hunger and appetite hormones. Ensure you're getting enough restful sleep each night to support your fasting goals and overall health.
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10. Be Consistent but Flexible
Consistency is key if you want to reap the benefits of intermittent fasting, but it's also important to be flexible. Life events and special occasions may require adjustments to your fasting schedule. The ability to adapt while maintaining overall consistency is what will help you get to long-term success.

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