10 Fruits You Should Eat Regularly & 10 With Hidden Side Effects

10 Fruits You Should Eat Regularly & 10 With Hidden Side Effects

You’ve heard it before and you’ll hear it again: fruits and vegetables are key to healthy living. But when was the last time you looked at all your options? With so many variations, it’s hard to know which to focus on and which aren’t all they’re cracked up to be. So let’s take a look at the 10 fruits you need in your diet and 10 you may want to reconsider.

1. Apples

Apples have their own rhyme for a reason! They’re packed with just about everything you need to stay healthy. From fiber and vitamins to antioxidants and weight management properties, apples are one of the best things to get inside your body. There are also thousands of varieties to choose from.

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2. Berries

Blueberries and raspberries in particular are loaded with nutrients that keep heart disease, obesity, and diabetes at bay. They’re easy to get into your diet, too! Eat them plain, mix them with yogurt, or sprinkle some in your oatmeal.  

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3. Avocado

Believe it or not, avocadoes are fruits (if you really want to split mind-blowing hairs, they’re actually a berry). You may not appreciate the taste or consistency, but they’re a major component of overall health. They have healthy fats, aid digestion, and are a good source of fiber. 

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4. Kiwi

It’s colorful, it’s delicious, it has little hairs—kiwi selflessly offers so much outside of its numerous health benefits. Turn to kiwi for vitamin C and enzymes that not only help with digestion but have been linked to consipitaton relief. 

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5. Honeydew

Honeydew is mostly water, which is helpful enough, but it also has calcium, potassium, and has been known to regulate blood sugar. So, keep this melon around as part of a balanced diet.

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6. Pears

Ah, the apple’s curvy cousin. And much like its cousin, pears contain fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants. They’ve been linked to better gut health, can help you along your weight loss journey, and also reduce inflammation.

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7. Watermelon

With summertime around the corner, who isn’t thinking about watermelon? It’s the perfect refreshing snack that just so happens to be rich in antioxidants and esential nutrients, too. 

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8. Tart Cherries

Tart cherries’ health benefits are seemingly endless. They reduce inflammation, which makes them a go-to for gout relief, have lots of nutrients, and contain enough melatonin to promote healthier sleep. 

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9. Peaches

Peaches are a vitamin-rich must for healthier skin and reduced inflammation. They’re also packed with a compound called polyphenols, which has been linked to protective properties against cancer. Just remember that eating more than you should often brings on bloating or can trigger IBS symptoms.

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10. Bananas

If you can get to them before they’re brown, bananas have a lot of benefits. Full of potassium and magnesium, they’re a great pre-workout snack and can reduce the frequency of diarrhea should you have an upset stomach.

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Now let's take a look at which fruits (or variations of fruit) come with a few hidden side effects to be aware of.


1. Grapefruit

Grapefruit brings a lot to the table: vitamin C, fiber, nutrients, and the ability to fight the common cold. However, heed caution if you’re on certain medication. While grapefruit has its benefits, it’s best to speak with a doctor to learn how much is best for you.

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2. Canned Fruit

“Fruit” on the label doesn’t mean health. If you opt for fruit canned in water, that’s one thing. But fruit canned in syrup is just floating in a bunch of sugar you don’t need. 

Canned Mandarin OrangesAlabama Extension on Wikimedia Commons

3. Figs

In moderation, figs aren’t the worst thing for you. However, given that they have a lot of sugar and fiber, eating too many could mean digestive issues, especially diarrhea. 

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4. Oranges

It’s not that oranges should be avoided per se, it’s that they come with added risks. In addition to the fiber and vitamin C, oranges are also highly acidic, which can hurt tooth enamel, and don’t pack the same fibrous punch as other fruits. 

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5. Grapes

It might not seem like it, but grapes are high in sugar and carbs. A handful provides the vitamins and minerals you need, but too many could lead to stomach upset or even weight gain. Avoid going overboard and you’ll be just fine!

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6. Mango

Mango is a safe treat all things considered. However, its high natural sugar content makes it a prime candidate to spike blood sugar and cause stomach upset, so it’s best to enjoy them in moderation to be on the safe side.

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7. Fruit Juice

If you haven’t heard yet, fruit juice isn’t the healthiest way to start your day. That’s because juiced fruits tend to lose their fibre and are often packed with sugars. A little isn’t too harmful, but regularly showing up in your diet is bad news.

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8. Fruit Snacks

As much as we'd like to think otherwise, fruit snacks often contain such little actual fruit that they're more candy than anything else. They come with added sugar, coloring, and artificial flavors to emulate what you'd get with the fresh stuff, so just go with the fresh stuff.

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9. Cantaloupe

Generally speaking, cantaloupe is safe to eat on the regular. It’s filled with antioxidants, vitamin A, and keeps your blood pressure in check. That said, you don’t want to eat too much as its high potassium can negatively affect the kidneys.

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10. Dried Fruit

Dried fruit seems like a good idea but it’s actually packed with more calories. With all the water drained, all that’s left is a higher amount of sugar, meaning they’re often not great for weight loss, your teeth, or blood sugar.

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