10 Foods to Never Eat on an Empty Stomach & 10 to Eat Instead
How to Start Your Day Off Right
Believe it or not, the things you typically eat for breakfast might not be the best choices—especially on an empty stomach. While it may be tempting to grab the first thing you see, it's important to choose wisely to start your day right. From bacon to oatmeal, read on to find out which foods you should hold off on eating on an empty belly—and what to eat instead.
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1. Coffee
Contrary to what you might believe, coffee isn't the best thing to consume on an empty stomach, especially a strong black cup of Joe. The reason is because the caffeine in it can increase stomach acid production, leading to symptoms like bloating, acid reflux, and heartburn.
2. Spicy Foods
If you're not good with spicy foods, chances are eating them on an empty stomach won't do you any favors. The capsaicin in these fiery eats can upset your digestion system, irritating your stomach lining, which can cause cramps, reflux, and diarrhea.
3. Caffeinated Tea
For the same reason that coffee isn't great on an empty stomach, caffeinated teas, like black tea and green tea, should also be avoided first thing in the morning. Black tea contains more caffeine than green tea, so you may sometimes see the latter given the okay—but you may still experience reflux issues. It's best to eat a snack before brewing a cup.
4. Yogurt
Dairy products, like yogurt, aren't the best things to feed an empty stomach—especially for those who are lactose intolerant. Without any other food for the lactic acid to bind to, symptoms like nausea, bloating, and indigestion can flare up worse than when you've had a quick snack beforehand.
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5. Citrus Foods
Highly acidic fruits, like oranges and grapefruit, can irritate the stomach lining and cause a number of digestive issues, such as upset stomach and acid reflux. This means instead of reaching for a glass of OJ for breakfast, it's best to eat something—preferably with carbohydrates which can soak up the acid—first.
6. Bananas
Eating bananas on an empty stomach can cause your blood sugar to spike, given the high amount of natural sugars in just one single fruit—a whopping 15 grams. Instead of eating them on their own and first thing in the morning, pair them with something nutritious, like oatmeal.
7. Processed Foods
Processed foods, like candies, chips, biscuits, and sugary cereals, should be avoided on an empty stomach—and in general. This is because they are high in sugar, preservatives, additives, and colorings, and don't offer much nutritional value.
8. Sugary Foods
This should go without saying, but sugary foods shouldn't be consumed on an empty stomach. Not only can they cause indigestion, but they can kick up your blood sugar levels, which can affect your mood and energy later in the day. To counter this, start with high-fiber foods which can slow down that sugar spike.
9. Carbonated Drinks
You might be tempted to start your day off with a fizzy drink, but the bubbles can cause extreme discomfort on an empty stomach, leading to issues like gas, bloating, belching, and heartburn. Plus, overly sugary drinks can hike your blood sugar up.
10. Fried Foods
Greasy, high-fat foods, like bacon, hash browns, French fries, and fried chicken, should also be avoided in the morning, especially on an empty stomach. The oil—and salt—in them can be extremely taxing and heavy on the digestive system, leading to discomfort and diarrhea. If you must, pair these greasy eats with carbohydrates, like potatoes or rice, which can act as a buffer.
Now that we've covered what you shouldn't eat on an empty stomach, let's jump into what you should eat instead.
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1. Warm Lemon Water
Drinking warm water in the morning gives your digestive system a chance to reset, promoting better absorption and jumpstarting your metabolism. Though you shouldn't have citrus fruits on their own, adding lemon to warm water dilutes its acidity, allowing your body to absorb its vitamin C and other antioxidants without irritating your stomach.
2. Eggs
Eggs are a great breakfast food; not only are they high in protein—which keeps you full longer—they're also packed with other nutrients while being low in calories. Plus, you can prepare them any way you like—boiled, scrambled, or sunny side up.
3. Oatmeal
Another nutritious breakfast food to eat on an empty stomach is oatmeal. First off, it's loaded with fiber, which promotes better digestion and keeps you full longer. It can also help regulate your blood sugar levels, which is especially important in the morning.
4. Chia Seeds
Chia seeds, like flax seeds, are superfoods—they're high in fiber, packed with antioxidants and nutrients, and can aid with weight loss and lowering cholesterol. Soak them first, then add them to your bowl of oatmeal for maximum benefit.
5. Berries
While you shouldn't eat citrus fruits on an empty stomach, that doesn't mean you can't eat fruits at all. Berries, like blackberries, blueberries, and strawberries, are great breakfast fruits to eat. You can eat them on their own or top your oatmeal with them.
6. Almonds
Almonds are loaded with protein, fiber, antioxidants, vitamin E, and other nutrients. This makes them a great breakfast option—and snack—to eat on an empty stomach. The best way to eat them? Soak them first—this softens them up and allows for easier digestion.
7. Leafy Greens
Leafy greens, like spinach and kale, may actually be better when consumed on an empty stomach because it allows for better absorption of all their good nutrients. Blend them up into a delicious drink or fix up a bowl of salad to start your day off right.
8. Aloe Vera Juice
You may already be aware of all the great benefits aloe vera offers, from treating sunburns to lowering blood sugar levels, so it should come as no surprise that its juice form makes a nutritious breakfast drink. Additionally, drinking it on an empty stomach can aid digestion and reduce the risk of inflammation.
9. Whole Grain Bread
Whole grain toast is another healthy breakfast option because it's packed with fiber and essential nutrients, like vitamins A, B, and E, and minerals like magnesium and iron. Top it off with a runny egg or some avocado, and you've got a delicious meal to feed your empty stomach.
10. Wheat Germ
Wheat germ is loaded with protein, fiber, healthy fats, and nutrients like vitamin E, which can help boost digestion, strengthen immunity, and lower the risk of heart disease. Add it to oatmeal, cereal, or smoothies to enjoy all of its benefits.