
10 Foods That Aggravate Oral Thrush & 10 That Help Alleviate Symptoms

10 Foods That Aggravate Oral Thrush & 10 That Help Alleviate Symptoms

How to Finally Eradicate That Irritating Infection

Oral thrush impedes our everyday lives—we might experience burning, an inability to taste, and white patches in the mouth that make it hard to swallow. After that much discomfort, it’s only natural that people look for healthy remedies to try at home. Enter the Candida diet, a meal plan said to soothe symptoms and streamline recovery. Here, we’ve broken down which foods are believed to be the best and worst options, however, it’s best to consult with your physician before jumping into such a restrictive diet, especially since more evidence is needed to prove its efficacy. 

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1. Certain Deli Meat

Sugar is a big no-no for oral thrush and not even deli meat is safe from the sweet stuff. Particular cuts (such as honey-glazed ham) or fermented meats can have far more harmful additives like salt, sugar, and nitrates. On the whole, additives already target overall health, but sugar is particularly damaging to those who suffer from infection. 

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2. High-Sugar Fruits

Unfortunately, sugar is present in all kinds of beloved foods—including popular fruits. Bananas, prunes, and grapes are top contenders for aggravators, often worsening symptoms and prolonging discomfort. Dried fruit and fruit juice pack an even sweeter punch, so steer clear of those too.  

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3. Sweeteners

We have good news and bad news when it comes to sweeteners. The good news is that you can still indulge in certain varieties (such as stevia and monk fruit). The bad news is that beloved choices like maple syrup, agave, and honey are off the table until the infection clears.

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4. Certain Kinds of Fish

While fish is often touted as a healthy meal choice, certain varieties can actually irritate oral thrush. Shellfish, tuna, and swordfish are best avoided as they contain higher traces of mercury. The fact of the matter is that most larger fish have higher mercury, which also includes mackerel and shark. 

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5. Processed Foods

Processed foods are bad enough for our health, but they’re downright painful for those battling infection. Hot dogs, salad dressings, pre-packaged meals, and even processed vegetable oils can wreak havoc on oral thrush. 

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6. Starchy Vegetables

For all their health benefits, certain starchy vegetables do more harm than good for infection. It’s usually best to keep away from options like potatoes, carrots, corn, and peas. Though you don’t want to rule out veggies altogether, avoiding starchy ones prevents them from breaking down into the sugars that worsen Candida.

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7. Moldy Nuts

Believe it or not, specific nuts can also aggravate oral thrush. Walnuts, peanuts, and pine nuts are high in mold and can prevent it from clearing. The reason why is that mold weakens your immune system, hindering your ability to rid that pesky infection. 

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8. Alcohol

Candida diets recommend that you keep away from carbohydrates, sugar, and gluten—alcohol is guilty of all three. Beer and overly sugary cocktails contain some combination of harmful additives, which makes it especially difficult for infections to clear.  

a neon sign that says beer wine on the side of a buildingHans Isaacson on Unsplash

9. Certain Fermented Foods

Fermented foods might be delicious but they also feed on good bacteria, oftentimes making Candida worse and preventing sought-after healing. It’s recommended those with oral thrush indulge in kimchi or kombucha sparingly, if at all. 

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10. Lactose-Heavy Dairy

Dairy products high in lactose, such as soft cheeses and milk, can aggravate thrush symptoms. Thrush already causes mucus and specific dairy items produce even more of it, making it less than ideal to indulge. 

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Now that we’ve gone through some of the restrictions, it’s time to dive into healthy options believed to soothe symptoms and streamline a healthy recovery.

1. Eggs

If you’re looking for a low-sugar, low-carb option, eggs have your back. They’re packed with vitamins and lean, high-quality protein that doesn’t aggravate existing symptoms. It’s also incredibly versatile and works in a variety of recipes.  

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2. Lean Meats

Speaking of lean protein, healthy options like chicken and turkey keep symptoms at bay while providing the nutrients you need to stay energized on such a restrictive diet. Try to stick with the organic stuff too if you can. 

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3. Gluten-Free Grains

Put that white bread down and reach for healthier options like quinoa, buckwheat, and oats. Candida diets highly recommend avoiding gluten, so sticking with safer alternatives supports a healthy recovery.  

cooked rice with green peas and carrots on stainless steel bowlShashi Chaturvedula on Unsplash

4. Leafy Greens

As if we needed another reason to indulge in leafy greens! Kale, broccoli, and spinach can all do wonders against thrush symptoms. These powerhouse veggies are high in fiber, low in sugar, and maintain a healthy gut to boot. 

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5. Certain Herbs and Spices

Turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, and oregano are all believed to alleviate symptoms; they fight inflammation and target yeast, which gives you a fighting chance against Candida. You can incorporate them into your meals or try at-home remedies such as teas and rinses. 

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6. Salmon

Fatty fish can help curb symptoms thanks to their high-quality protein and inflammatory properties. Wild-caught fish is best when you have thrush, so stick with options like anchovies, salmon, and sardines. Herring could also be a good choice!

grilled fish, cooked vegetables, and fork on plateCaroline Attwood on Unsplash

7. Probiotic Yogurt

Don’t let every fermented food scare you away. Probiotic yogurt contains good bacteria, the kind that stops the infection from spreading. You should still be able to indulge without issue, though you can always consult with your doctor if you have any questions. 

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8. Coconut Oil

Healthy fats like coconut oil and avocados can pack a serious wallop against bacteria. Coconut oil in particular is hailed as a healthy, anti-fungal solution. When used as an oral rinse, it’s said to help clear out yeast. 

white powder in clear glass jar beside brown wooden spoonTijana Drndarski on Unsplash

9. Certain Seeds and Nuts

Not every nut is made the same—some are perfectly safe for those battling thrush. Low-mold options like sunflower seeds, almonds, pecans, and sesame seeds provide antioxidants without irritating your mouth. 

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10. Low-Sugar Fruits

Don’t worry, fruit lovers, you can still indulge in yummy options! Low-sugar fruits like avocados, olives, and berries can still be consumed in moderation without aggravating symptoms. Lemon is also a popular remedy revered for its anti-fungal properties. 

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