Ever heard those age-old sayings about food that get passed down through the years? Or maybe you've stumbled upon some wild food myths on social media? It can be a real puzzle figuring out what's true and what's not. So, here we aim to debunk 20 common food facts that, contrary to popular belief, are probably wrong.
1. Carrots Improve Night Vision
The belief that eating carrots can give you superhuman night vision is a myth that originated from WWII propaganda. While carrots are rich in vitamin A, which is essential for eye health, they don't enhance your ability to see in the dark.
Image by jacqueline macou from Pixabay
2. Microwaving Kills Nutrients
Many people avoid microwaving their food under the assumption that it zaps away all the nutrients. In reality, cooking in a microwave can actually preserve more nutrients than some other methods, like boiling, due to the shorter cooking times and reduced exposure to water.
Image by Frank Wittkowski from Pixabay
3. Sushi Means Raw Fish
"Sushi" is often mistakenly believed to refer to raw fish, but the term actually describes a dish made with vinegared rice. Raw fish served by itself is called "sashimi." Sushi can include a variety of ingredients, including vegetables and cooked seafood.
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4. Eggs Are Bad for Your Heart
Eggs have been demonized as cholesterol bombs that are bad for your heart. However, recent studies show that moderate egg consumption (up to one egg per day) has minimal impact on the risk of heart disease in healthy individuals and offers numerous nutritional benefits.
5. Sea Salt is Healthier Than Table Salt
The health halo around sea salt has many believing it's much healthier than table salt. The truth is, both contain comparable amounts of sodium chloride. While sea salt may offer trace minerals, it's unlikely to have a significant health impact compared to table salt.
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6. Alcohol Cooks Off Completely in Food
It's a common misconception that alcohol completely evaporates when cooked in food. While a significant portion does cook off, depending on the cooking method and time, some alcohol typically remains in the dish.
Image by Adriano Gadini from Pixabay
7. Gluten-Free Means Healthier
For people without celiac disease or a gluten sensitivity, going gluten-free doesn't offer a health benefit and could actually result in a less balanced diet. Gluten-free products can sometimes be higher in sugar and fat to compensate for texture and taste.
8. Fresh is Always Best
The mantra "fresh is best" doesn't always hold up, especially when it comes to fruits and vegetables. Frozen produce is picked and frozen at its peak ripeness, locking in nutrients that might be lost during the transportation of fresh produce.
Image by Robert Owen-Wahl from Pixabay
9. MSG is Bad for You
Monosodium glutamate (MSG) has been villainized as a headache-inducing flavour enhancer to avoid. However, scientific consensus supports that MSG is safe for consumption for the majority of people when consumed in typical amounts.
Image by Sharon Ang from Pixabay
10. Detox Diets Flush Toxins From Your Body
Detox diets are marketed as a way to eliminate toxins from your body, but your liver and kidneys do an efficient job of that on their own. These diets can sometimes be restrictive and nutritionally unbalanced.
Image by Marijana from Pixabay
11. Eating Before Swimming Causes Cramps
The warning to wait an hour after eating before swimming to avoid cramps is more myth than reality. There's no scientific evidence to support the idea that swimming on a full stomach causes cramps or drowning.
12. Coffee Stunts Your Growth
Many of us were cautioned as kids that drinking coffee would stunt our growth. This tall tale lacks scientific support; no evidence directly links coffee consumption to impaired growth.
Image by Karolina Grabowska from Pixabay
13. Brown Sugar is Healthier Than White Sugar
Brown sugar is often perceived as healthier than white sugar due to its colour and minimal presence of molasses. Nutritionally, they are almost identical, and both should be consumed in moderation.
Image by Gabriela Sanda from Pixabay
14. Spicy Food Causes Ulcers
It was once thought that spicy food could lead to stomach ulcers. Nowadays, we know that most ulcers are caused by H. pylori bacteria or the long-term use of certain pain relievers, not by eating spicy food.
15. You Need to Drink 8 Glasses of Water a Day
The recommendation to drink eight glasses of water a day isn't supported by hard science. Hydration needs vary greatly among individuals, and you also get water from food and other beverages.
Image by Colin Behrens from Pixabay
16. Frozen Yogurt is Much Healthier Than Ice Cream
Frozen yogurt is often marketed as a healthier alternative to ice cream. However, once you account for the sugar content, which can be just as high as in ice cream, the health benefits can melt away.
Image by Andrew West from Pixabay
17. The Five-Second Rule
The five-second rule suggests that food dropped on the floor is safe to eat if picked up within five seconds. Unfortunately, bacteria can transfer instantly upon contact, making this rule more of a myth than a fact.
Image by luckylili33 from Pixabay
18. All Fats Are Bad
The myth that all fats are bad has led to the popularity of low-fat diets. In reality, fats are essential for your body, and it's the type of fat that matters. Unsaturated fats, like those found in avocados and olive oil, are beneficial for your health.
Image by Stefan Schweihofer from Pixabay
19. Eating Turkey Makes You Sleepy
Turkey is often blamed for the post-Thanksgiving dinner snooze, supposedly because of its tryptophan content. While tryptophan can have a mild sleep-inducing effect, the drowsiness is more likely due to the overall large meal and carbohydrate intake.
Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay
20. Vitamin C Prevents Colds
While vitamin C is crucial for immune system function, taking vitamin C supplements has not been conclusively shown to prevent the common cold. Regular intake may slightly reduce the duration of a cold, but it won't keep the sniffles at bay.
Image by Engin Akyurt from Pixabay

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