
Old Types Of Candy People Forgot About

Old Types Of Candy People Forgot About

Too Sweet To Forget

Candy shops have treated our sweet tooth for generations. Some candies are timeless and some have been discontinued, but when we come across an old sweet, memories of childhood get us high like a sugar rush. Here's a tasty selection of those treats that you might've forgotten about.  

Top Photo (3)Steve Buissinne on Pixabay

1. Candy Cigarettes

Hey kids, start practicing a bad habit by pretending your candy is a cigarette! Although we remember feeling too cool for school fake-smoking our candy, there's no way these sugar sticks would be marketed today. Did we love them for their taste or our cool kid status? Either way, it's hard to do but we should quit eating them.  

Angela-Loria-6Uohvyjqg-Y-UnsplashAngela Loria on Unsplash

2. Push Pops

A Push Pop is a lollypop you can save for later! With its pushing and popping mechanisms, it was an advanced candy of the 80s that offered a variety of flavors in a portable tube.   

1024Px-Push Pops (Candy)Editor182 (talk) on Wikimedia

3. Sugar Babies

As part of the Sugar family including Sugar Mamas and Sugar Daddies, these baby bites were born in the 1930s and quickly became a popular cinema snack. These chocolate-coated caramel candies offer quite the chew and pair well with popcorn.

1024Px-Sugar-Babies-CandiesEvan-Amos on Wikimedia


4. Reggie! Bar

With a trifecta of tasty ingredients, it was hard not to get to third base with Reggie! This caramel and peanut chocolate bar was a home run for many but especially for baseball fans. It was named after New York Yankees slugger Reggie Jackson in the 70s and was often handed out to fans at the stadium. Just like Reg, this bar has since been retired.

50048703496 85Ae42C26B CMake It Old on Flickr

5. 100 Grand Bar

This candy bar was as rich as we would be with 100 grand of extra cash. We remember when this chewy chocolate cost much less than a dollar and was swinging high in popularity during the late 1960s. 

15340559056 0E2D3234Da HAttribution-ShareAlike on Flickr

6. Nestle Wonder Ball

The Wonder Ball was another wonderful creation brought to you by Nestle. With a toy hiding inside the chocolatey ball, it was unsurprisingly a hit with the youngsters. The vintage characters and the taste give us all the nostalgic feelings. 

21461688793 74Eb5021Af KCandy Cache - A collection on Flickr

7. Butterfinger BB's

Butterfinger gave birth to these BB's in 1992. They were bite-size versions of the famed chocolate bar that were heavily promoted by The Simpsons sitcom. 

6811418374 C6F2D0014F CHani Absi on Flickr

8. Skittles Gum

Just like a rainbow, you were lucky if you got a chance to see Skittles Gum before they were taken off the shelves. Remaining as a favorite candy today, Skittles reverted back to what they do best and stopped producing the gum.

7523581586 A91B6C3Ab0 BHolly Thompson on Flickr

9. Whatchamacallit

Hershey's cleverly named this bar to demonstrate how unique it was and we fell for it! With chocolate, peanuts, and caramel–– was it really that different from the rest? Just like the disco, it was a hit in the 70s.  

4526892885 76754D6585 CChad Gierlich on Flickr


10. Chuckles

You'll probably laugh at the old ads now since they were introduced to the world in the 1920s. You can still taste the nostalgia today–– these jelly fruit candies have never changed their classic flavors.   

1364731554 495Bb04512 Cnamo_mandos on Flickr

11. Sugar Daddy

This caramel lollypop was a popular member of the Sugar family and renowned for its cultural significance during its time in the 20s. The candy implies that just like its name, it offers something rich and sweet.  

6117626342 585502Dae3 CEvan Amos on Flickr

12. Candy Buttons

Popping these buttons in your mouth will give your taste buds a burst of nostalgia. Perhaps we forgot about them because they're not easy to find but they're still out there. Enjoyed for their unique packaging and triple flavors, the candy buttons are a tiny retro treat.   

5902626047 Fd9020F923 HThe LemonDrop Tree on Flickr

13. Abba-Zaba

Fun to say and fun to chew–– Abba-Zabas crush the cravings of peanut butter lovers. Taffy covers a peanut butter center for a mouthful of chewy sweetness that brings back childhood memories. Their iconic yellow packaging has barely changed since the 1920s.    

23185239 43Adf3A64C CThomas Hawk on Flickr

14. Space Dust

This cosmic candy is out of this world! It was ahead of its time as a sizzling candy that melted in mouths of kids nation-wide. The powder candy blasted off in the 70s but took a short trip on the shelves. They were discontinued for looking dangerously similar to harmful powdered substances. 

51128454999 25238C2C80 CGregg Koenig on Flickr

15. Slo Poke Caramel Pop

It would've taken some time to eat these extra chewy caramel sticks but they've been chomped on for generations. We'll continue to savor the memories as we chew their modern bite-size versions today. 

6114112359 94Fa0Fe89F CChad Gierlich on Flickr


16. Bonkers!

It seems like you'd have to be crazy to not love a chewy candy back in the day. Amongst the rest of the popular chewy treats, Bonkers! was a classic we all loved to eat as much as we enjoyed their ads.  

4699489269 A8178A84Cd HPaxton Holley on Flickr

17. Marathon Bar

Marathon was a chocolate bar marketed for being longer than your average bar, hence the name. It still exists and has been renamed to Snickers so you don't have to run far to find it.  

49922699811 8A67F69Be1 CTony Worrall Photography on Flickr

18. Mary Janes

These vintage sweets are as cute as their name! They're bite-sized chews made with peanut butter and molasses that have been around for over a century. No wonder some us forgot about them!   

4028386641 Fed24B46C2 CBrent Moore on Flickr

19. Bit-O-Honey

Honey, these candies are the bees knees! If you want a bit o' sweetness from the past, sink your teeth into one of these treats. They're loved for their honey-flavored taffy and almond crunch and you can find them in candy stores today. 

9581729567 3Ae5A08D0C CKen Redmond on Flickr

20. Summit Bar

These bars reached the peak of popularity for a short stint since they melted too quickly. They might jog your memory as a chocolatey wafer bar that set off in the 70s. And guess what?–– they have peanuts!

4521799543 Cb30338809 CJONATHAN MANKUTA on Flickr