20 Of The Strangest Food Phobias Ever

20 Of The Strangest Food Phobias Ever

Fear Of Food

The thought of certain foods might make your face scrunch in disgust but for some, it's beyond distaste. Odd phobias like the fear of fruit can cause severe anxiety with a glance at an apple. From the fear of food touching to stress from cheese, these food phobias are rare and unappetizing.    

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1. Cibophobia 

The fear of eating food altogether. People who claim the cibophobia title tend to be afraid of specific types of foods or a select few and won’t dare eat them. Some may fear textures like mayonnaise where others may hide away from any perishable items because of the severe worry of getting sick. 

File:Mayonnaise (1).jpgjules on Wikimedia

2. Turophobia

The fear of cheese. There are people who are lactose intolerant or vegan, but there are a rare group who are actually scared of it all. The sight and smell of cheese can even make them sick which is understandable, since cheese is basically mould and some give off a stink of smelly feet.   

bolognese cheese beside herbsJez Timms on Unsplash

3. Lachanophobia

The fear of vegetables. Many kids want to claim they have a broccoli phobia but for some it’s unfortunately a real anxiety. Children or adults can suffer from a vegetable phobia which could send them into a panic attack at the site of a carrot. 

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4. Mycophobia

The fear of mushrooms. It's easy to understand the fear of fungi–– it's basically mould with alien-like features that grows out of poo. It's a surprise that more of us don't have a phobia to the funky fungus.  

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5. Arachibutyrophobia

The fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth. It's not a pleasant sensation when you feel like peanut butter is gluing your mouth shut and some people can't handle it. They don't agree that peanut butter and jelly are a match made in heaven.  

Photo By: Kaboompics.comPhoto By: Kaboompics.com on Pexels

6. Fructophobia

The fear of fruit. Some folks are terrified of the sight and touch of fruit so eating them is out of the question. They might even avoid tropical drinks, jams, fruity desserts, and candy. The sour smell of citrus might turn their stomachs. 

Jane Trang DoanJane Trang Doan on Pexels

7. Alliumphobia

The fear of alliums. Contact with garlic, onions, and other members of the allium fam like scallions might send people with alliumphobia into a panic attack. It's not just vampires that will stay away at the sight of string of garlic bulbs.   

selective focus photography of onionMatthew Pilachowski on Unsplash

8. Carnophobia

The fear of meat. Meat disgusts a lot of people but folks with carnophobia suffer from severe anxiety at the sight or smell of it. While a big slab of steak on the BBQ makes some people's mouth water, others will stay far away from that backyard party. 

grayscale photo of grilled meat beside knife and forkBenjamin Faust on Unsplash

9. Consecotaleophobia

The fear of chopsticks. Eating with chopsticks is a challenge for some and the embarrassment is unbearable to people with consecotaleophobia. They'll experience extreme anxiety if chopsticks are the only utensil option to eat their noodles.  

CosmeticallyCorinneCosmeticallyCorinne on Pixabay


10. Xocolatophobia

The fear of chocolate. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory must seem like a horror movie to someone with xocolatophobia. It's hard to imagine someone afraid of chocolate, but this rare phobia exists and some folks will turn away anything with cocoa.   

chocolate bars on white tableTetiana Bykovets on Unsplash

11. Neophobia

The fear of new foods. There are picky eaters but if you have neophobia, the thought of trying something new is dreadful. New foods are basically out the question and they'll stick to what they know for meals.   

top view salad with guacamoleBrooke Lark on Unsplash

12. Deipnophobia

The fear of group dining. Going to a restaurant is a stressful experience for someone with deipnophobia. They cannot bear to socialize with others while eating and would rather sit alone at meal times. They'll avoid dinner parties and buffets like the plague. 

four person earring on black wooden tableDan Gold on Unsplash

13. Ostraconophobia 

The fear of shellfish. There are many people with an allergy to shellfish, but some have a phobia for alternative reasons. The sight of the creepy-crawly seafood is enough to spook them and they wouldn't dare take a bite. 

man grilling crabs during daytimeMichelle Tsang on Unsplash

14. Brumotactillophobia

The fear of food touching. Brumotactillophobia is a form of obsessive compulsive disorder that causes severe anxiety in people if the food on their plate is touching. Most of these people can't  handle mixing foods together so meals like sandwiches, pizza, and curry on rice is not a treat.  

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15. Methyphobia

The fear if alcohol. Methyphobia is highly understandable. The fear of being intoxicated or near someone who is drunk is unbearable to these folks. The effects of alcohol could be associated with violence or loss of control which can be terrifying and make them anxious.  

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16. Thermophobia

The fear of hot food and beverages. Someone with thermophobia doesn't curl up by the fireplace with a hot chocolate or wake up in the morning with a latte. They fear anything that comes right off the stove and will never microwave their meals. The paranoia that they could burn themselves is enough for them to avoid the risk of consuming anything hot. 

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17. Mageirocophobia

The fear of cooking. Not all of us are chefs or like to cook for other people, but folks with mageirocophobia wouldn't dare to cook a meal, even for themselves. This phobia encourages a lot of take-out and no-bake meals. 

person holding black frying panKevin McCutcheon on Unsplash

18. Ichthyophobia

The fear of fish. Ichthyophobia is the intense fear of fish altogether, not just seafood. Fish markets are the last place on Earth someone with this phobia wants to be. Raw fish and sushi are dinner nightmares and can't be tolerated.

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19. Acerophobia

The fear of sourness. Sour candies are not enjoyed by someone with acerophobia. Lemons and limes cause them major anxiety and vinegar is never a condiment they use. It's a rare food phobia that is no laughing matter if you suffer from it.  

Yaroslav ShuraevYaroslav Shuraev on Pexels

20. Alektorophobia

The fear of chicken. You're a chicken of chicken if you have alektorophobia. This condition is a severe fear of the bird, from a plate of wings to the smell of a KFC. People who suffer from this odd phobia will experience anxiety symptoms when in contact with chicken.   

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