
20 Sexy Foods To Get You In The Mood

20 Sexy Foods To Get You In The Mood

These Aphrodisiacs Will Spice Up Your Sexy Time

Looking to spend a sexy evening with your loved one? If you really want to step up your game, consider trying these 20 aphrodisiacs that people believe can get you in the mood. While no, there's no real scientific evidence behind these foods, it is interesting exploring whether or not these can work for you. Besides, sometimes believing something can work is a lot more powerful than you think. 

AphrodisiacsPhoto by cottonbro studio & Elle Hughes on Pexels 

1. Oysters

Despite having a slimy, wet texture, raw oysters are surprisingly a common aphrodisiac that people turn to. We're not too sure what's sexy about slurping up these seafood goodies, but apparently it's all in the nutrients. Some people think eating foods that have a high source of zinc can improve your testosterone levels. 

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2. Honey

It makes sense that people consider something as sweet and sticky as honey to be an aphrodisiac. Whether it's because of old myths, like honey being the nectar of Aphrodite the Goddess of Love, or because it's believed to boost libido, honey is just one of those foods people consume when trying to get in the mood. 

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3. Chocolate

Chocolate has always been known for being a sexy food. Commonly given as a gift to your partner, there's just something so inherently romantic and sweet about chocolate. It's not just in the taste, it's in the meaning too. In our eyes, it definitely helps set the mood. 

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4. Watermelon

Did you know people online call watermelon a potential natural replacement for Viagra? Turns out this refreshing summer fruit isn't just great for the heat temperature-wise, it's also great for when you want to go into heat with your partner. It's all thanks to an amino acid called Citrulline which can help men "get it up". 

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5. Asparagus

While most of us know asparagus for making our urine smell funny, it turns out it has another hidden power. This healthy vegetable, which doesn't tend to be everyone's favorite, is actually a well-known aphrodisiac. It supposedly can help boost your libido thanks to its high vitamin E content. 

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6. Figs

It's very common to find romantic desserts that use figs. That's because many people say the flavor and look of this fruit just feels sexy by nature. For this food, it's likely become an aphrodisiac thanks to many years of building up this sensual image around it. 

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7. Chili Peppers

Just think about it for a second. Eating spicy foods makes our heart race and our bodies sweat. When you're trying to get in the mood, having your energy pumped up in this way might just lead to something more. Besides, heat and passion are basically the same thing, right?

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8. Artichokes

You're probably curious as to why this seemingly average vegetable is considered an aphrodisiac. In all honesty, we're wondering this too! Supposedly, it has to do with an Ancient Greek myth where Zeus turned a beautiful woman into an artichoke. Listen, some aphrodisiacs are just based on legend!

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9. Strawberries

Strawberries have always been considered a sexy and romantic food to enjoy with your partner. Feeding your loved one a chocolate-covered strawberry? That'll definitely get both of your hearts racing. While there isn't exactly any strong scientific-evidence to back this, sometimes cultural influence is enough to do the trick. 

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10. Pistachios

A lot of people seem to believe that certain nuts can improve libido, especially in men. Pistachios in particular have even been studied for its effect on ED. So if you're trying to get in the mood with your partner, enjoying this snack won't only improve your overall health, it might just be the extra kick you guys need in the bedroom.

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11. Pomegranates

Throughout history, pomegranates have always been considered a sexy fruit that's tied with passion, arousal, and desire. While a lot of it likely has to do with its red color which signals love and romance, there are also claims that its antioxidants help blood flow more smoothly to the genitals. Which you know, is kind of important when you're trying to get things started.

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12. Coffee

Turns out coffee isn't just great in the morning for kickstarting your day, it's also great at night for kickstarting your romantic evening. It's said that drinking coffee can increase libido in women while its relaxing property can make the whole experience feel more comfortable and pleasurable for the couple overall too.

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13. Almonds

Just like pistachios, almonds are another nut that people consume when trying to prepare themselves for a night of passion. Not only are almonds seen as symbols of fertility, they're also said to increase one's libido and boost men's testosterone levels. 

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14. Coconut Water

While coconut water tends to be a love it or hate it kind of food, if you're trying to get in the mood, you might have to push your preferences aside. It's time to get over that strange salty flavor and embrace the natural libido-boosting properties people believe coconut water has. Besides, isn't step one always stay hydrated?

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15. Avocado

Avocados just seem to do it all, don't they? Not only do they taste delicious, but they have the power to go viral and apparently act as an aphrodisiac too! And with its smooth, rich texture and flavor, we believe it. 

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16. Ginseng

This Chinese herbal medicine might not taste the greatest, but if you want to up your bedroom game, you have to be willing to put aside the taste for its benefits. Studies are currently being done to explore the effects ginseng can have when you're in the mood. Some say it can improve your performance, while others also state it's great for men who need an extra hand getting things ready down there. 

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17. Walnuts

Following our points on pistachios and almonds, walnuts complete the trifecta of nut aphrodisiacs. Similar to the others, it's believed that this nut can not only improve your desires and boost your mood, it'll help you feel more satisfied when it's all over too. 

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18. Carrots

While this crunchy and orange vegetable doesn't seem like it's anything special, you'd be surprised by its supposed benefits in the bedroom. Said to increase fertility, looks like this healthy vegetable does more for the body than we realized. 

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19. Vanilla

Often used in many desserts, we suppose there's just something naturally sexy about the flavor and scent of vanilla. Not only is it known for being an enticing smell for men when used as a fragrance, there's just something so calming and comforting about it that makes you feel relaxed. 

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20. Red Wine

Last but not least, it shouldn't come to you as a surprise seeing red wine on this list. While you should always drink responsibly, it's believed that red wine can not only increase desire in women and men alike, it can also help men last longer. Which is something we're sure many people are looking for. 

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