Food For Thought
For many of us, eating food is more than just putting nutrients and sustenance into our bodies. It's an experience that brings us joy -- as long as we follow our preferred methods. Whether you realize it or not, you likely have unique eating habits that separate you from others. Do you only eat food if it's not touching each other or eat curry separately from the rice? Here are 20 unique eating habits that either confuse us or make perfect sense. How many do you do?
1. Not Letting Your Food Touch
Does this image bother you? If the thought of having all your different foods mixed together on a plate gives you the shivers, don't worry, you're not alone. Some people go out of their way to buy special plates with separators that prevent food from touching each other.
2. Only Eating Once You Have Something To Watch
We truly are the generation of iPad kids. Many of us refuse to start eating until we've found a show or movie we can cozy up to with our meal. Honestly, it can take so long finding the perfect watch that your food might even go cold before you take the first bite!
3. Eating Pizza Cold Out Of The Fridge
Are you team warm and freshly-made pizza or cold out of the fridge pizza? For some people, they find joy in eating day old pizza that's been sitting in the refrigerator overnight. It's a pretty hotly debated topic with most people either hard agreeing or hating the thought of it.
4. Using A Fork To Eat Pizza
It seems like pizzas are just a hot conversation topic. While cold pizza is already up for debate, another popular pizza habit that's widely frowned upon is eating it with a fork. Many see pizza as a purely handheld food that should only be eaten this way, while others can appreciate the tidiness using a fork brings.
5. Waiting For Soda To Turn Flat
Most people enjoy sodas for that fizzy, bubbly feel and sweet taste, but for some, the sugar's all they want. Waiting for soda to turn flat simply leaves it tasting like flavorless sugar water. We personally find it hard to see the appeal here.
6. Mixing Ice Cream Until It's Slush
If you thought nothing was more sad than melted ice cream, think again. It's not uncommon to find people who seriously enjoy taking a bowl of ice cream and mixing it until it looks like melted gloop. We suppose in some ways it's just like drinking a milkshake? But with a spoon instead of a straw and a bowl instead of a cup.
7. Heating Up Milk For Cereal
One of the best parts of cereal in the morning is enjoying the cold milk mixed with the crisp and crunchy cereal. Now that's a combination worth waking up for! But as it turns out, this doesn't speak to everyone. Some individuals prefer heating up their milk for a nice warm bowl of soggy cereal. Perhaps it's comforting in the colder seasons?
8. Chewing On Ice
For all of us with sensitive teeth, the thought of chewing on ice immediately makes us recoil. Unbelievably cold, frozen solid, and flavorless, it's hard to see why so many people enjoy doing this. What satisfaction do you get from it?
9. Pouring Milk Before Cereal
Doesn't it just make more sense pouring cereal before the milk? After all, how can you tell if you've added too much or too less? Some swear by this practice, saying it's much better than doing it the other way around but we've yet to see the bonuses.
10. No Liquids When Chewing Food
Does the thought of mixing liquids with food already in your mouth disgust you? If so, don't worry because you're not alone. Some people find the thought of taking a sip of their drink while chewing to be downright chilling. Supposedly, the strange mix of texture and flavor doesn't sit quite right.
1. Using Chopsticks For Snacks
In our eyes, using chopsticks to pick up snacks is absolutely brilliant. When you're typing on the computer, holding a game controller, or reading a book, the last thing you want is to get your hands all dirty before touching your belongings. This keeps you hands nice and clean so you can continue on with whatever you're doing without worry.
2. Cutting Up Your Food Before You Eat
There's nothing wrong with preferring convenience when you're eating your meals, which makes cutting up your food before sitting down to eat a logical thing to do. Not everyone wants to spend time with a knife and fork cutting up their pork chop; getting it done first allows you to enjoy your plate without hassle.
3. Eating Every Last Grain Of Rice
There's a popular Asian superstition that says if you don't eat up every last grain of rice in your bowl, you'll grow as many pimples as the rice you've left behind. And while it's a pretty hilarious belief, it does promote not wasting food which is never a bad thing.
4. Eating Ramen Straight Out Of The Pot
Listen, we understand the struggle of not wanting to do dishes after a meal. So if you want to eat your ramen straight out of the pot, hey, we won't judge you. In fact, if you're a single person about to enjoy this meal on your own, it makes sense! It's also totally normal to do this in some countries like South Korea.
5. Eating Straight Out Of The Can
While the idea might sound appalling at first, don't forget that canned food is meant to be quick and convenient. It's totally safe to eat straight from the can, it might just not be the tastiest meal you'll ever have.
6. Cleaning Up Before You Eat
For some, eating your meal before cleaning up the kitchen is too much to bear. The thought of all those dirty dishes, pots, and towels lying all over the counters can make people too uncomfortable to enjoy their food. There's nothing wrong with tidying up first before finally sitting down to relax!
7. Eating Curry And Rice Separately
This is a hotly debated topic that has people stuck on either sides. Are you the type of person to mix your curry and rice to enjoy all the flavors at once? Or do you eat them separately, refusing to combine the flavors? It's more split down the middle than you'd think, meaning there's a solid argument for both practices.
8. Eating Pasta With A Spoon
Some pasta enthusiasts may believe it should only be eaten with a fork, but for certain kinds like rigatoni, macaroni, and more, we can see spoons being just as (or even more) effective. After all, it's the perfect utensil for gathering the perfect amount of sauce and noodle in every bite.
9. Overcooking Pasta
We know al dente gets the gold star when it comes to cooking pasta, but not everyone prefers their noodles that hard. For some, they enjoy softer, chewer textures, so don't knock them if they like overcooking their pasta a bit. Normalize letting people cook to their own preferences!
10. Eating Kit Kats Without Breaking It
Some of you might be sweating just thinking about this, but in reality, no one ever said you had to eat this sweet treat a specific way. We can think of multiple reasons why eating Kit Kats as is is the most preferred method. For one, maybe you just don't want to get your hands dirty with melted chocolate!

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