Ba Da Ba Ba Ba, I'm Lovin' It
What’s the oldest jingle you remember? Perhaps it’s Oscar Mayer’s unforgettable song. Maybe it’s Juicy Fruit’s treasured tune. Those are amazing but we’re here to dig up a few more classic hits you all but forgot about!
1. Pringles (1960s)
It’s hard to believe Julius Pringle has been around since the ‘60s—back when inflation didn’t annihilate those perfect chips. (Back when Pringles cans had pull tabs, too!) Nevertheless, this catchy tune saved the day when we needed a fresh and crunchy snack.
2. Oscar Mayer (1960s)
Even if you weren’t born in the ‘60s, you’ve undoubtedly heard this classic jingle in pop culture. The animated commercial was amazing, the jingle unforgettable, and we’d all still love to be an Oscar Mayer wiener.
Chris Short from Detroit, MI, United States on Wikimedia
3. Rice Krispies (1960s)
You may know them as Snap, Crackle, and Pop, but that popular trio is also a merry band of singers. The ‘60s featured a beloved tune where each member sang about their importance, though we love all three of them. After all, “snap, crackle, pop makes the world go ‘round!”
4. Rice-a-Roni (1960s)
It’s Rice-a-Roni, the San Francisco treat. Now that we’ve said it, you’ll likely have it in your head for the rest of the day. Don’t blame us—blame the classic ‘60s marketing that had us humming this tune everywhere we went.
5. Almond Joy (1970s)
Sometimes you feel like a nut. Sometimes you don’t. Either way, this well-known jingle was the jaunty tune for you. The only thing better than watching a thick chocolate drizzle is relishing in this fun little song.
6. Honeycomb Cereal (1970s)
Uh oh, here comes Betty and she wants a cereal as big as her personality. Luckily, the Honeycomb Hideout has just the thing. Say hello to the hottest cereal on the market, a big breakfast for all those grownups out there. “It’s not small—no, no no!”
7. McDonald’s Big Mac (1970s)
We all know today’s jingle (more on that later), but the classic McDonald’s burger once had a song all its own. Thanks to that tune, we never forgot all the ingredients: two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun.
8. Sara Lee (1970s)
Everybody doesn’t like something…but nobody doesn’t like Sara Lee. That was all it took to sweep the nation and have an entire generation sing this simple line. Of course, those tasty desserts also helped us remember.
9. Juicy Fruit (1980s)
Grab a stick of Juicy Fruit—the taste is gonna move ya! Shoutout to Wrigley’s for not only making this delicious gum (that lost its flavor in about ten seconds) but also bestowing such an iconic jingle on us.
10. Kit Kat (1980s)
Kit Kat already had a historic line, yet they somehow managed to top themselves with their jingle. It’s been in pop culture, it’s been on TV, and it’s been in our heads for several decades now. It’s okay, maybe we can take a break with a Kit Kat.
11. Tootsie Roll (1980s)
The world looks mighty good when all you can see is Tootsie Roll. Those kids knew it. We knew it. Everyone knew it. Let’s all take a moment now to imagine fishing or a day on the beach as everything morphs into a Tootsie Roll. Now that's nostalgia.
12. Ital Pasta (1980s)
Ital Pasta was right—it will last forever! Nearly everyone at the turn of the decade sang this popular jingle, and it would only take a few words to spark our memories now. Who knew that that pasta and its song would be a taste to savor for years?
13. Folgers Coffee (1990s)
The jury’s still out on its taste, but Folgers certainly sold the idea that they were the best part of waking up. Those commercials aired for years and we all knew what words to sing as soon as that coffee can made an appearance.
14. Bagel Bites (1990s)
Pizza in the morning. Pizza in the evening. Pizza at suppertime. Bagel Bites had everything a kid could want—bite-sized pizza and a catchy jingle that coerced parents into the best diet possible. When pizza’s on a bagel, anytime’s the right time!
15. Chili's Baby Back Ribs (1990s)
We couldn’t make this list without mentioning one of the most iconic jingles. Boyz II Men pulled out all the stops on this one, and we’ll never forget their hard work or Chili’s mouthwatering ribs. We’ll also never forget their 2023 ad that brought the boys back for another round.
16. Mentos (1990s)
Did you just sit in fresh paint? Do you have an unfortunate ‘90s middle part? It doesn’t matter! Mentos and its beloved jingle will save the day. Go ahead, embrace those lines all over your expensive suit—fresh goes better in life.
17. Yop (2000s)
Tired teens everywhere in the 2000s cried out for Yop in the morning. Even mom got in on the fun. The jingle was accompanied by slightly terrifying graphics, but that didn’t stop us from singing along every time the ad aired.
18. Goldfish (2000s)
It’s the snack that smiles back! Actually, it’s the anthropomorphized snack that makes us a little sad. Regardless, we weren’t concerned about that as children, instead excitedly singing this song before we bit their heads off.
19. Fanta (2000s)
Don’t you want a Fanta, Fanta? Some people loved it. Others hated it. Plenty were distracted by the quartet of gorgeous women. However you felt, Fanta’s classic jingle made countless appearances and we couldn’t get it out of our heads.
20. McDonald’s (2000s)
Even if you don’t remember the ‘70s Big Mac jingle, you’ll definitely know this one. The tune isn’t as long as previous songs, but “I’m lovin’ it” is as iconic as the golden arches themselves. Though they still air the jingle today, it's only a minimalist version of the song we once loved.

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