20 Must-Have Hot Pot Ingredients For The Best Experience

20 Must-Have Hot Pot Ingredients For The Best Experience

Make Sure You Toss These Ingredients In Your Hot Pot

If you've never heard of hot pot before, you're definitely missing out. A popular communal food experience enjoyed during colder seasons in Asia, this is about as customizable as a meal can get. From picking the broth to creating your own sauce, even all the ingredients tossed in are of your choosing. But if all of this is sounding a bit overwhelming, don't worry, we've provided you with a list of hot pot essentials you should include every time.

HotpottHollyhe888 on Wikimedia Commons

1. Beef 

No hot pot meal is complete without some quality meat. As far as favorites go, thin slices of beef rank high on the list of best ingredients to add. Because of how they're sliced, they're quick to cook and soak up the broth so well. The result is an amazing, flavorful bite every time.

a bowl of foodLuna Wang on Unsplash

2. Lamb

Having a solid variety of different meats is key to a good hot pot experience. Lamb is another common choice, thought it might not suit everyone's taste. Known for its slightly gamey flavor, you'll have to check with the table first before ordering this one. 

sliced vegetables on stainless steel cooking potCera on Unsplash

3. Pork

Finally, pork is another great addition to your hot pot meal. While it might have a bit of a rougher texture compared to beef, for people who love that meaty flavor, it's unbeatable.


And when cut so thinly, it cooks just as quickly. Make sure it's fully cooked through before taking a bite though.

sliced raw meat on white ceramic plateWiley Shaw on Unsplash

4. Enoki Mushrooms

While choosing the best meats for your table's taste preferences is crucial, half the mission is picking great veggies to go with it too. One failproof choice is enoki mushrooms. Not only do these morsels cook decently quick, they're also great at absorbing the broth. They might have an overly chewy texture, but trust us, each bite makes it worth it.

a bunch of baskets filled with food on top of a tableIngeborg Korme on Unsplash

5. Napa Cabbage

An easy leafy green to toss into your hot pot is napa cabbage. Not only does this vegetable cook extremely quickly, you can take it out according to your preferred doneness. If you like it completely cooked through and soft, leave it in longer, but if you like it with a bit of crunch still intact, take it out sooner. 

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6. Fish Balls

While the idea of fish balls in western countries might be confusing, these are a staple over in Asia. Yes, there is a bit of a fishy taste, but they pair so well in dishes with a lot of sauce or soups. All that delicious flavor gets caught within these balls, making it super flavorful and fun to eat. Plus, there are so many different kinds for you to choose from!


File:Fishball.jpgWing11803 on Wikimedia

7. Tofu

Tofu is just one of those staple ingredients you can't skip out on. Though bland and boring on its own, it transforms into an amazing vessel that captures all the broth. Like a sponge, it soaks up all that goodness, making each bite loaded with flavor. Just be careful you don't burn your tongue while enjoying it!

Polina TankilevitchPolina Tankilevitch on Pexels

8. Noodles

Of course, what's a soup dish without a good set of noodles to go with it? Whether you like thin, wide, or chewy noodles, there's an option out there for you. Popular picks include vermicelli, udon, and mungbean noodles, all of which don't overcook too easily and pick up the broth super well. They're great for slurping up!

A close up of a plate of noodlesKODO Tenco on Unsplash

9. Meat Balls

No, we're not talking about Italian meatballs (throwing that in here would be really weird)!. Asian meat balls are a completely different thing. They have a unique bouncy texture and capture a lot of meaty flavor. Like fish balls, they're a common ingredient thrown into many soup dishes, including ones you know like pho. 

File:Beef hot pot.jpgKhanh Ha, Tran on Wikimedia

10. Shrimp

If you're more of a seafood fan, don't worry, there's more to hot pot than just meat and veggies. For example, shrimp is a pretty common ingredient that gets thrown in. We know having to peel the shell can be annoying, but that's the good part!


All the broth gets caught under there, making the actual meat super flavorful.

Valeria BoltnevaValeria Boltneva on Pexels

11. Fish Filets

For something a bit more fancy, many hot pot lovers enjoy adding some fish filets into the broth. While they do absorb so much flavor, just one word of caution. These tender goodies fall apart super easily, so pick them up carefully. You don't want it to break into a million pieces! 

File:朝州式鱼头锅 Teochew Fish Hotpot - Yum Cha Inn (2929645779).jpgAlpha on Wikimedia

12. Bok Choy

If you want a green vegetable that has more of a bite and taste to it, we recommend choosing bok choy over napa cabbage. These leafy greens have a nice crunch and bite to it, easily satisfying your textural preferences. 

green plant in red ceramic bowl on brown wooden tableDavid Todd McCarty on Unsplash

13. Rice Cakes

Another great starchy option to consider are rice cakes. If you're someone who enjoys food with chewy, bouncy textures, this will be right up your alley. They're bite-sized which make them so easy to eat, and they're a fun little switch up from your usual noodles. 

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14. Lotus Root

Lotus root is an ingredient commonly served in many hot pot restaurants. Though you'll have to leave this in longer to cook, the wait is definitely worth your while. All that time spent simmering is just more broth flavor being absorbed into this root veggie. Slightly crunchy, it's also a nice change of pace given that most hot pot ingredients turn out soft.



Markus WinklerMarkus Winkler on Pexels

15. Dumplings

For a more filling option, dumplings are a great route to go. While they already taste great on their own, eating them in a soup is an entirely new experience. The broth just clings beautifully onto the wrapper, making each bite so flavorful you don't need your usual soy sauce. 

white textile on brown wooden tableMatthieu Joannon on Unsplash

16. Quail Eggs

Quail eggs are the perfect little bite-sized goodies that make hot pot taste better. It's almost like they were born for this! With their rich egg yolk center, it's balanced out nicely by all the other flavors cooking in the broth.

File:Hard-boiled quail eggs.jpgFumikas Sagisavas on Wikimedia

17. Shiitake Mushrooms

Frequently used in many Asian dishes, shiitake mushrooms love making an appearance for hot pot. This hearty shroom has a deep earthy flavor that tastes best when it's cooking in all that broth. Not only does it have a plethora of health benefits, it has strong textural integrity that prevents it from going mushy or soggy. 

brown and white mushrooms on brown wooden surfaceKier in Sight Archives on Unsplash

18. Corn

Who doesn't love adding a bit of sweetness to their meal? Corn is often served in hot pot cut up into little sections. While it might be a little messy to eat, you'll fall in love with the sweet juiciness of each kernel paired with the hot soup it's been simmering in for so long.



robot hand holding corncharlesdeluvio on Unsplash

19. A Great Broth

Of course, we have to emphasize just how important it is picking a good broth. From malatang to tomato and pork bone, there are so many different options you can try. Each provide a completely unique flavor profile, meaning every hot pot experience will never be the same. 

a pot of soup on top of a stoveYou Le on Unsplash

20. Sauce For Dipping

Last but not least, you need to have a great dipping sauce ready to be eaten with your hot pot ingredients! Most restaurants have a sauce bar prepared with soy sauce, oyster sauce, cilantro, green onions, and so much more. You get to create a flavor that works for you, so don't be afraid to play around with different combinations until you hit your winner. 

a bowl of soup on a wooden tableLuna Wang on Unsplash