
20 Foods With Hilarious Names That Make No Sense

20 Foods With Hilarious Names That Make No Sense

These Foods Aren't What They Sound Like

While it's true that a dish's taste is ultimately what determines if we'll like it or not, our other senses like smell, sight, and hearing all play a part too. The impact of what a dish sounds like is often overlooked, but we're going to explore 20 foods with misleading names that really affect our perceptions of it.

MisleadingPhoto by Tumisu on Pixabay & Sgconlaw on Wikimedia Commons

1. Bubble & Squeak

Bubble & squeak is certainly an adorable name for anything, but we're not exactly sure how it came to be. After all, there's nothing bubbly or squeaky about this British dish! Essentially made up of leftovers in the fridge, it typically consists of pan-fried cabbage and potatoes. 

1024Px-Bubble Breakfast - Belchers 2024-03-07Andy Li on Wikimedia Commons

2. Toad In The Hole

Before you start running away at the thought of eating a toad, you'll be happy to hear there's no such ingredient in this dish. It's quite the opposite actually - toad in the hole serves up the juiciest, meatiest sausages you've ever had baked in a soft Yorkshire pudding batter. When you actually hear what it is, we wouldn't be surprised if you're drooling. 

1024Px-Toad In The HoleRobert Gibert on Wikimedia Commons

3. Baked Alaska

If you've never had Baked Alaska before but heard it for the first time, what would you think the dish was? We're guessing not this fluffy and sweet dessert! Apparently, this dish was coined the name to celebrate the acquisition of the state, but it's not really common knowledge. So for many of us, we're left scratching our heads wondering what's so "Alaskan" about this dessert. 

1024Px-Baked Alaska At Gage And TollnerRhododendrites on Wikimedia Commons


4. Rumbledethumps

This Scottish dish has us staring at the name wondering how to pronounce it. This is likely the first time you've heard of this dish, and there's zero indication in the name as to what it might be. That's why we're here to tell you that this traditional dish is more or less similar to the British bubble & squeak. It's made with potato, cabbage, onion, and really whatever leftovers you've got. Top it off with some cheese before baking and you've got a delicious casserole-esque side in the making. 

1726856797848.pngGlane23 on Wikimedia Commons

5. Hot Dog

Okay Americans, explain to us why this food is named a hot dog. Although there was controversy in the past over what hot dogs were made of, we can say for certain that it's not dog. Because this food is so popular in America and it's said so often, people often hear it without giving it a second thought. But when you really think about it, it's a pretty funny name, don't you think?

Peter-Secan-Kkxbw9Exn30-UnsplashPhoto by Peter Secan on Unsplash

6. Eton Mess

Having the word "mess" in the name of a food doesn't really get you off to a good start. It's not the most appetizing name, is it? But what you probably didn't know is that Eton Mess is a delicious British dessert made with fresh strawberries, plenty of whipped cream, and baked meringue. Think of a messy trifle or parfait.

512Px-My First Eton Mess, June 2011Vidya Crawley on Wikimedia Commons

7. Mince & Tatties

You're probably wondering, "What in the world is a tattie?". While this Scottish dish certainly has a quirky name, there's nothing complicated about the actual food. Mince & tatties is a homestyle, comforting dish that features ground beef and mashed potatoes. Hopefully that answers your question; tatties are potatoes!

1024Px-Mince And TattiesLASZLO ILYES on Wikimedia Commons

8. Pigs In Blankets

Often the star of the show at any pot luck or gathering, pigs in blankets is definitely a hilarious name that kind of makes sense, but is more whimsical than anything. Naming the hot dogs the pigs and the pastry the blankets is absolutely genius and so creative. Half of the appeal of this appetizer is in the name!

Pexels-268386813-12777773Соломія Захарко on Pexels

9. Skirlie

If we only heard the word "Skirlie," we'd have zero guesses as to what this dish might be. Is it savory? Is it sweet? Well turns out, this Scottish dish is essentially fried oatmeal that's cooked down with onions and plenty of seasonings. Just think of American stuffing - it's the closest thing we can think of!

Pexels-Castorlystock-3639181Castorly Stock on Pexels


10. Spam

Everyone loves spam! Used in musubis, fried rice, and so much more, this versatile meat can do it all. It's definitely a bonus that it's so cheap and has a long shelf life too. But have you ever taken a moment to think about its name? Normally spam is associated with bad things like spam emails, calls, and texts!

Pexels-Kent-Ng-3491081-5537857 Kent Ng on Pexels

11. Fidget Pie

So, what about this pie is fidgety you might ask? Absolutely nothing. We're not sure why the Brits chose to use such an interesting name, but it doesn't really match its description. The dish is delicious though, made with hearty ingredients like potatoes, onions, ham, and surprisingly, apples!

Pexels-Amanda-Reed-88238-288264Amanda Reed on Pexels

12. Welsh Rabbit/Rarebit

Whether you say rabbit or rarebit, neither of it really makes much sense, especially when you find out what this dish is. Welsh rabbit/rarebit is a hot gooey cheese sauce that's poured over some toasted bread. So think of it as a grilled cheese, but made with a cheese sauce instead. Has nothing to do with rabbit though...

1024Px-Welsh Rarebitstef yau on Wikimedia Commons

13. Dutch Baby

If you ever say this to someone without following it up with pancake, we're pretty sure you're going to leave them confused. Dutch babies are fluffy and puffy pancakes that seem a little bit like a crepe and a little bit like Yorkshire pudding. It's not your traditional pancake that's for sure - the name makes certain of that!

1024Px-German Pancake In PortlandAndrawaag on Wikimedia Commons

14. Bangers & Mash

This traditional British dish is a banger for sure - it's already in the name! Essentially sausages and mashed potatoes, there's no way you can go wrong with that. It's a simple but tasty meal that just has a funny name attached to it. 

Bangers And Mash 1avlxyz on Wikimedia Commons

15. Ladyfingers

Used for making tiramisu or dipping into your coffee, we've always been a bit confused by the name Ladyfingers. It's a strange name that will certainly get some people confused if you use it in the wrong context.  

1024Px-Ewen-Ladyfingers (3)Fumikas Sagisavas on Wikimedia Commons


16. Head Cheese

Although this dish has "cheese" in its name, trust us, there's no cheese in this one. We're not really sure why it's called head cheese given that this dish is basically meat jelly. It doesn't have the most appetizing appearance, and we're pretty sure if you learn what it's made of (stock made from a pig or calf's head), you'll be even more put off by it. 

1024Px-Weisser SchwartenmagenThe original uploader was Schorle at German Wikipedia on Wikimedia Commons

17. Sweetbreads

Sweetbreads might sound like an inviting name, but it's not exactly what it seems. This dish is neither sweet nor a bread. In fact, sweetbreads are made from the thymus or pancreas of a calf or lamb, and has an incredibly meaty and gamey taste to it. Definitely not what you were expecting, right? This might just be the most misleading name on this list. 

Sweetbreads 5Leon Brocard on Wikimedia Commons

18. Singing Hinnies

We're pretty sure cakes can't sing, but it sure makes for a hilarious name! Singing hinnies are closer to scones than the cakes you're used to. They typically are made with raisins, currants, or some type of dried fruit as well. If you're still caught up over the name, turns out it's because of the sizzling noise they make when on the grill. It's almost like they're "singing."

1024Px-Singing HinniesPaul Downey on Wikimedia Commons

19. Angels On Horseback

This dish certainly knows how to draw attention with its name. Don't worry, there's no horse in this dish at all; it's actually made with oysters! Just think of Angels on Horseback as the seafood equivalent of pigs in blankets. Made by wrapping crispy bacon around savory oysters, this is a popular hot appetizer with such a unique name. 

1024Px-Angels On HorsebackLana on Wikimedia Commons

20. Egg Cream

Despite what this drink's name will have you believing, there isn't actually any egg or cream in it. Talk about misleading. All it has in it is milk, soda water, and your choice of flavored syrup, almost as if it's trying to imitate the taste of a milkshake. 

256Px-EggcreamJason Perlow on Wikimedia Commons