
20 Food Logos All Americans Should Know

20 Food Logos All Americans Should Know

There's No Way You Don't Know These Logos

Even if you don't realize it, a lot of food logos are deeply ingrained in your mind. If you take a look at some of the most popular brands out there, it's not hard to see why. They all use unique colors and take advantage of the photos they choose to represent their brand. We're almost certain that as you scroll through our list of recognizable food logos, there won't be one you don't know. Let's test it out!

LogoErik Mclean on Pexels

1. McDonald's

It doesn't matter where in the world you are, the moment you see those beautiful golden arches, you know exactly where you're headed. The McDonald's logo is absolutely iconic; we'd argue it's the most well-known logo in the whole world! And for those traveling in a foreign country, there's nothing more comforting than seeing this sign out on the streets.

McdsPolina Tankilevitch on Pexels

2. Coca-Cola 

Yes, we know Coca-Cola's logo literally has its name in it, but even if you changed the word to something else, the iconic design and script would register in your mind as this beloved brand. Factor in its well-known red and white colours and there's no doubt in our minds most people would recognize the logo.

Pexels-Edwardeyer-1066860Edward Eyer on Pexels

3. Starbucks

Is there any coffee house more popular than Starbucks? A quick glance at the logo is all you'll need to recognize exactly what store it belongs to. We're not quite sure what the split-tailed mermaid has to do with coffee, but it's a distinct image that is now forever remembered by most, if not all, Americans.

Pexels-Enginakyurt-1437318Engin Akyurt on Pexels


4. KFC

Whenever you're craving some fried chicken, you can always count on Colonel Sanders to make your day. Why? Because seeing that face means delicious KFC is around. That's how you know a logo was done right - one look is all it takes to make you feel hungry.

Pexels-Introspectivedsgn-7832983Erik Mclean on Pexels

5. Cheetos

Thanks to that iconic vibrant orange color, Cheetos definitely has a memorable logo. It's bright and always stands out in the chip aisle. It also helps that their logo is usually combined with an image of Chester Cheetah, the brand's beloved mascot. It's a great example of how some logos perfectly reflect the vibe of a snack. 

1024Px-Cheetos MascotsKenneth C. Zirkel on Wikimedia Commons

6. Pepsi 

Coke or Pepsi? While this continues to be a popular debate question, one thing everyone can agree on is that the Pepsi logo is just as iconic as Coca Cola's. The simple circle design split into 3 different colours is all it takes to be recognized around the globe. There's not much to it, but sometimes that works in its favour. 

Pexels-Martinpechy-1292294Martin Péchy on Pexels

7. Burger King 

While it's known as Burger King in the States, over in Australia, it's called Hungry Jacks. But despite this change in name, even if you saw each restaurant's sign for the first time, you'd recognize it immediately. It's all thanks to its unforgettable logo. All you need to see is those two large burger buns sandwiching some text to know what franchise it is.

Pexels-Giona-Mason-1751396-19138624Giona Mason on Pexels

8. Domino's Pizza

Sometimes the best way to create a memorable logo is to be straightforward with it. Take Domino's Pizza for example. Their logo is literally a picture of a domino piece! Does it have anything to do with pizza? Not exactly, but that's what makes it so iconic. Can you name anyone else who uses a domino for their logo?

1024Px-Dominos Pizza In GothenburgEPIC on Wikimedia Commons

9. Subway

We can almost guarantee that for most people, if we ask them to think of a food logo that uses yellow and green, they'd immediately think of Subway. Once again, even though their logo is just their name, its their unique colour palette and font design (those arrows!) that makes it stand out from everyone else. This chain always emphasizes their motto on freshness, and what better colours than yellow and green to represent that?

Erik-Mclean-F34A-Bjswlq-UnsplashPhoto by Erik Mclean on Unsplash


10. Pringles

With that thick mustache and those curved eyebrows, the Pringles mascot is arguably the most recognizable chip logo around. Mr. Pringles is so iconic; there's something fun and lively about the character, perfectly representing the wide variety of flavours this brand offers. 

Surja-Sen-Das-Raj-Pggw7Lpfbtg-UnsplashPhoto by Surja Sen Das Raj on Unsplash

11. Red Bull

As one of the most beloved energy drinks on the market, it only makes sense that Red Bull has a great logo to match. And thankfully, it does! Featuring two bulls charging at each other, just looking at it makes you feel energized. That sure is one way to know a brand did their designing right.

Erik-Mclean-O3Ffnth7Osu-UnsplashPhoto by Erik Mclean on Unsplash

12. Quaker Oats

Seen on oatmeal packets, granola bar boxes, and so many other goodies, the Quaker Oats man feels so familiar and nostalgic. One look at this logo instantly transports you back in time to snacking during recess or breakfast with the family. 

1024Px-Quaker Oats Quick 1-Minute Oats (43805375390)Willis Lam on Wikimedia Commons

13. Frito-Lay

The big name behind all your favourite snacks like Lay's, Ruffles, and Doritos has got an iconic logo to match. Using a vibrant red and yellow, Frito-Lay uses the feelings those colors evoke to represent its brand. Known for creating delicious flavours and new innovative chips, we'd argue this logo is great at capturing that inventive and lively spirit.

Lays Logocompany logos, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

14. Nestlé

As one of the largest food companies in all of America, we'd hope Nestlé would have a good logo that differentiates itself from the competition. And with just one look, we know it does. We're sure that just like us, you took one look at the photo and recognized it immediately. After all, it's the home of some of your favourite brands like KitKat, Milo, Nespresso, and so much more.  

1722635688373.pngEstradadarwin1994 on Wikimedia Commons

15. Pillsbury

Everyone loves the Pillsbury Doughboy! As the face of this beloved brand known for their delicious and easy-to-make baked goods, it was definitely a smart play highlighting this character. He's essentially become a symbol of home baking you can trust.

Pillsbury DoughboyGiora Eshkol on Wikimedia Commons


16. Ritz Crackers

Many of you likely have fond memories of eating Ritz crackers during recess or snacktime at home. These are a staple in many American households after all. But one thing you probably didn't consider is how familiar you actually are with the logo. After seeing it all these years, we're positive you'd be able to recognize this iconic blue and yellow no matter where you are.

512Px-Ritz Crackers Logohttps://www.ritzcrackers.com/, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

17. Dairy Queen

Just think about all those blizzards you've gotten during your lifetime. You may not realize it, but the Dairy Queen logo is likely already stuck in your head. With the iconic white DQ lettering sitting atop the red, lip-shaped background, you know deep down that seeing this sign means you're in for a sweet treat.

1024Px-Dairyqueenmarkham3Raysonho @ Open Grid Scheduler / Scalable Grid Engine on Wikimedia Commons

18. Taco Bell

When you're craving cheesy, meaty goodness, you're likely rolling up to a Taco Bell for a quick snack. And as you're driving down the road, all you need to see is that iconic pink and purple bell to know that you're close. The Taco Bell logo uses fun colours that do such a great job at representing the vibrancy of Mexican cuisine. 

1024Px-A Modern Taco Bell Restaurant In Hiawassee, GeorgiaHarrison Keely on Wikimedia Commons

19. Aunt Jemima

If we're talking breakfast foods, there's no logo more familiar, heartwarming, and beloved than Aunt Jemima's. The company was incredibly clever when designing this logo. Why? Because whenever customers purchase these foods that have a photo of this lovely woman's smiling face on it, they immediately feel comforted and are reminded of delicious pancakes drizzled with syrup. 

1024Px-Aunt Jemima FlourMike Mozart on Wikimedia Commons

20. Gatorade

It doesn't matter if you're a professional athlete or a casual sports fan; if you're someone who exercises or plays sports regularly, you're definitely familiar with the Gatorade logo. That iconic G with the lightning bolt down the middle instantly makes us feel refreshed and energized. 

1024Px-Gatorade G Series (5384370989)JeffBedford on Wikimedia Commons