
20 "All-American" Foods That Are Actually No Good For You

20 "All-American" Foods That Are Actually No Good For You

American Foods To Be Careful Of

America may be the land of the free and home of the brave, but it's also where plenty of not-so-nutritious foods roam free. From coast to coast, this beautiful country is a melting pot of different cuisines and cultures, all coming together to make our stomachs happy. But while our taste buds might be dancing, our nutritionists certainly aren't. Here are 20 all-American foods that are delicious but must be enjoyed in moderation; they're really not the healthiest.

woman in white shirt eating pizzaAleksandra Sapozhnikova on Unsplash

1. Classic Cheeseburger

The beloved cheeseburger is a dish you can find at almost every diner, restaurant, and fast food joint in America, but maybe its overwhelming presence is a bit too much. This juicy and cheesy food might satisfy your soul, but not your arteries. Loaded with saturated fats and calories, it's a guilty pleasure you should be careful you don't eat too much of. 

person holding burger with pattyLoes Klinker on Unsplash

2. Deep-Dish Pizza

Chicago's pride, the deep-dish pizza is a unique creation unlike anything else. It's cheesy, saucy, and so rich in flavor that just one slice can be an entire meal in of itself. It's not just filling though, it's also packed with calories, sodium, and plenty of unhealthy fats. It's easy to enjoy, maybe just not every day.

File:Chicago-style pizza.jpgL. W. Yang from Los Angeles, California, USA on Wikimedia

3. Chili Cheese Fries

When the late night cravings hit, nothing comes through like a hero more than chilli cheese fries do. This mountain of fries topped with chili and melted cheese is a satisfying midnight snack, but it's also a dietician's nightmare. High in sodium and saturated fats, this comfort dish isn't one your body will appreciate long term.

potato fries on black ceramic plateChristine von Raesfeld on Unsplash


4. Fried Chicken

When fried perfectly, fried chicken is the ultimate satisfying food to indulge in. It's a soul food classic that's crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside. All that deliciousness comes at a price though - this food is high in calories, fats, and sodium. With the cooking process not being the most heart-friendly either, you have to be careful you don't enjoy this one too often.

grandstreamgrandstream on Pixabay

5. Corn Dogs

Corn dogs are the quintessential American fair food that makes for easy and tasty eating on the go, but underneath all that cornmeal batter is an unsettling truth. These deep-fried goodies are exceptionally high in calories and feature a processed meat that your body won't appreciate. 

chris7533chris7533 on Pixabay

6. Bacon Cheeseburger

As if the cheeseburger wasn't a warning enough, this further Americanized version is your heart's worst enemy. The bacon cheeseburger has just one extra addition, but this alone can create significant health complications when intake isn't monitored. Bacon is high in saturated fats and sodium, so while your taste buds will be jumping for joy, your heart won't be.

burger with lettuce and tomatoAleisha Kalina on Unsplash

7. Buffalo Wings

Possibly the most beloved game night food, whether you're watching football and partying with friends, buffalo wings tend to make an appearance every time. This finger food is a favorite thanks to its crispy fried exterior all coated in a tangy, spicy sauce. While they're finger-licking good, it'll do you well to remember the consequences of eating too much fried food. 

fried chicken on black plateScott Eckersley on Unsplash

8. Loaded Nachos

Just because loaded nachos are a crowd-pleaser doesn't mean you can eat them without fear of consequence. High in calories, fats, and sodium, it all depends on what you add to it. But with fried chips, cheese, sour cream, and bacon making regular appearances, it's hard to make this snack a healthy one if you don't put in the effort.

green vegetable salad on white paperJay Gajjar on Unsplash

9. Biscuits and Gravy

While you won't be able to enjoy this often unless you live down in the South, biscuits and gravy are a comfort classic that soothes the soul - mentally but not physically. With so much butter and cream added in, this dish is loaded in calories and saturated fats you should be careful not to eat too much of. 

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10. Pecan Pie

Though this American dessert is typically enjoyed every Thanksgiving, its sweet, nutty flavor tastes good for a reason. It's filled with sugar, syrup, and butter, all contributing to its high calorie count. If you want to watch your health, it's best to enjoy a smaller slice.

brown pie on white ceramic plateKeighla Exum on Unsplash

11. Mac and Cheese

Mac and cheese is undoubtedly a childhood favorite that holds a special place in many of our hearts. And while it's a great pick-me-up during those low days, you should remember that it's laden with cheese and cream. This turns the dish into a rather unhealthy one thanks to how high in calorie it is and how much saturated fats it contains.

File:Original Mac n Cheese .jpgTexasfoodgawker on Wikimedia

12. Pulled Pork Sandwich

Rich, saucy, and so delicious, the pulled pork sandwich is a BBQ masterpiece that's hard to turn away from. After all, it's hard rejecting meat that's this tender and flavorful! But not matter how difficult it is, you have to push through for your health's sake. That BBQ sauce is where all the sodium and calories lie, meaning you should definitely turn down extra spoonfuls of it if you can help it.

File:Pulled pork BBQ sandwich.jpgFoodista on Wikimedia

13. Cornbread

The perfect side dish to many Southern staples, cornbread is a classic that's beloved for its sweet, buttery flavor and fluffy texture. Though its savory, it's still made with tons of sugar and butter that you know aren't good for you. Maybe try alternative ingredients to make this a healthier dish?

person holding bread on white ceramic plateAdam Bartoszewicz on Unsplash

14. Hot Dogs

Sure, baseball games and hot dogs go hand-in-hand, but can you have fun without one? These processed meats are known for being linked to plenty of health complications, meaning it's worth examining if you should be having one every time. They're delicious, yes, but they're also high in sodium and preservatives. 

hotdog sandwich with tomato and lettuceDavid Thielen on Unsplash

15. Donuts

Sadly, while donuts are the perfect morning treat to pair with your coffee, they're anything but healthy. And when you factor in all those additional glazes, icings, and toppings, the amount of sugar in these baked goods is insane. We highly recommend you avoid these as an everyday breakfast item.

doughnut with toppingsKobby Mendez on Unsplash


16. Potato Salad

You might think it's impossible to spell backyard barbecue without potato salad, but once you're aware of the health risks, you'll definitely learn to make it possible. This creamy and cool salad is loaded with so much mayonnaise, it's incredibly high in calories and fats. This is the kind of food you want to eat in moderation and consider making healthy changes to the recipe.

File:Potato salad (1).jpgSajjadF on Wikimedia

17. Apple Pie

This American classic is often the showstopping end to any big feast, but sadly, it's important to keep in mind you shouldn't be enjoying it too often. From the butter-filled crust to the sugar-filled filling, enjoying this sweet treat in small portions is the best way to stay healthy and festive at the same time.

congerdesigncongerdesign on Pixabay

18. Milkshakes

It's ice cream mixed with milk - what did you expect? While this delightfully thick and creamy drink is the ultimate sweet treat to enjoy in the summer, it should be treated as an occasional dessert, not a regular one. These sugar, calorie fests are made even worse when whipped cream and toppings are tossed on top of it.

full-filled cream glass on tableJonathan Borba on Unsplash

19. BBQ Ribs

We know Americans take a lot of pride in their amazing BBQ, but when it comes to ribs slathered in sauce, you have to be careful. Sauce = calories. These goodies aren't just high in calories though, they also contain lots of fats and sodium. It's better to enjoy these as a "treat yourself" kind of meal rather than a weekly one. 

board of grilled meatsJon Tyson on Unsplash

20. Fudge Brownies

For chocolate lovers, nothing quite beats the fudginess of a delicious brownie. These are the perfect mix of chocolatey and rich, but one thing that often gets overlooked is how unhealthy they can be too. Made with so much sugar, butter, and chocolate, these calorie-dense snacks must be enjoyed mindfully.

baked browniesMichelle Tsang on Unsplash